
Donnerstag, 21. April 2011

It's warm, it's summer, and things are going great!

     Guess what? It's warm, it's summer... and there is grass! Okay? Grass? No big deal, right? NOT! Grass is a definite big deal when your horse is skinny and needs to gain some weight! Since it's warm Udex gets to be grazing outside 24/7 (okay more like 20/7 because I do take him in to work him!) Anywho, this grass will be the number one reason he starts gaining weight! So, shall I say it again? GRASS!!!! Different meaning this time, right? Okay, okay, maybe I am obsessing a bit too much... Oh well, point is it's warm, constant grazing, and Udex is getting bigger and happier each and every day!
Wow! Look at that back!
     So Udex is gaining weight. Yip-yip-hooray! Not only is it just "weight" it's muscle! He is looking so great! On his rump and legs is where you can see the most muscle! His ewe neck is going away (thank goodness!) His back is getting bigger! I remember before sitting upon him bareback was a painful thing to do, but now, he feels worlds better! He looks fantastic! He still does not look good in the eyes of a stranger, but compared to before he looks more then amazing. 
Ms. Meagan playing with the green foals in the paddock
     A very amazing friend of ours came and taught me a bit of Parelli natural horsemanship! What a treat! She is a very talented woman who knows a lot about horses. She is one of those special people that click with all animals. I don't think I ever mentioned Udex getting nervous if he is brought into the barn and there is no other horse with him or in sight. However, if I am riding him in the arena, then he is fine. Anyways, tacking up a huge horse (over 17.hh tall) while he is pacing, throwing his head up, whinnying every five seconds right in your ear,  and kicking out is not a very easy task to do! Ms. Meagan taught me what to do with him, and oh boy! The techniques she showed me were amazing! Udex calmed down and was actually quiet! He was alone in the barn and when I first brought him in, a bit nervous, but as soon as Ms. Meagan showed me what to do with him and we preformed it on him, he was a new horse! I was amazed! If you ask me if I had ever witnessed a miracle, that would have to be it! I am so thankful for such amazing friends like Ms. Meagan who are kind enough to share their talents with others! Udex and I are so, so, SO thankful!

     As I write this it is around 12:30 at night, and constant worries are going through my head, as always. Typical worries that every owner of a horse share. "Will my horse be warm enough tonight?" "Will he have a freak accident in the paddock!?" "What if he starts to colic in the middle of the night?" I guess thoughts like those are normal when you love another life just as much as your own, if not even more. I am so thankful to have an amazing horse like Udex. I watch him do his fancy natural extended trot in the paddock and just think to myself about how God must like me a lot more then I could have ever imagined! To put such an amazing boy into my arms and to be giving me the opportunity to bring him back up to where was. Oh man! I am so, so, SO blessed! I have a lot of amazing friends! Each and every one of them have helped me so much!  I can't thank them enough for helping in the ways they have!! I'm not lucky.. I'm just blessed. Every night before I go to bed, and as soon as I wake up I say a prayer... and instantly all my worries of Udex fade away and I feel stronger then ever that we can do this and make it to the top. 


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