
Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

Journey to America! PART 4: Coming home!!

  This is part THREE of Udex's long journey to the United States of America. If you have not read part 1 or 2, then I highly recommend you do so you can have a better idea of what exactly is going on in this entry. I will write both a brief description at the beginning of the entry, and a longer detailed entry so you can choose which version you would like to hear. 


Part Four is when Udex departs Winners Circle Ranch in California and starts the 800+ mile journey to me in Casper Wyoming! After twelve days apart we are finally reunited at Platte Ridge Equestrian Center.

I've missed you so much.
  Udex left California on the weekend! Casper is a far distance from Los Angeles, so once again Udex had a very long trailer ride ahead of him. Brook Ledge Horse Transportation were the ones responsible for bringing Udex home to me safe! They are a really great company who have a huge love for horses- if you are looking for a transportation company for your horse I wouldn't go with anyone but Brook Ledge
  The trip from LA to Casper would take a few days since the drivers would need to rest, and Udex too. Finally on Tuesday we got a call.. Udex was forty-five minutes away!! My stomach filled with butterflies. After twelve days I was finally going to be able to see my baby!! Finally!!!! I was so excited and nervous at the same time. What if Udex was upset with me for leaving him for such a long time? Had he thought I'd abandoned him? What if it wasn't the same and he didn't trust me anymore? Like in the beginning, I had so many questions.

Here he comes!!!
  My heart was racing by the time I arrived at the stable. I put my halters by his stall and then went outside to wait!! It felt like an eternity, but it was only a little over ten minutes.. Finally, I saw the truck. The feeling I got was almost like in the beginning- but this time, it was a happy kind of nervous. It took about ten minutes for the truck to come up to the barn. The kind drivers hopped out and told me how Udex was doing! They said that he was traveling really great! They dropped of some ponies in Colorado, as soon as they left Udex called out for a bit but then settled down after a while. 
  After a bit of chit chat the long awaited moment arrived. The trailer doors opened and there was beautiful 
Standing proud in his new home!

Udex! I couldn't help but cry (even as I write this) because I was so happy to have my Udex back. Choking over my own tears, I finally managed to call out his name. He looked to me and whinnied! Then started pawing; getting very excited to come out!!!! He looked more beautiful than ever with his little head sticking out and his hair blowing in the wind. Tall, confident, and full of pride. Udex nearly ran off the trailer as the man unloaded him! He then gave Udex to me!!! I gave him a big pat and then walked him around the area a bit! He was showing off and prancing- so typical of him!
Nothing says welcome to Wyoming better
than a huge gust of wind!
Someone's been in the trailer
for a while ;D
  After letting him get a bit familiar with his new windy home- I took him to his stall! He looked so happy! He was very playful and cuddly! All my fears of him not remembering me or not trusting me as much as before were quickly forgotten. It was if we'd only been apart a few hours. He walked around his stall for a few minutes and then came over to me wanting to be cuddled!! I took off his halter and rubbed his little face for a while- he loved it. After thirty to forty minutes I went to the tack shop (on the barn) to buy some new brushes and blanket for Udex! The weather is so different here in Wyoming! It's windy and cold! 
  After picking out the right blanket and a few brushes I went back down to Udex! Silly boy had already rolled in his stall and was happily munching at his alfalfa! The barn owner Stephanie and I fed him his new food! He happily ate that too! During all this travel Udex lost a lot of weight.. But this new food will be sure to put it right back on plus some more pounds!
Udex and I
  After two hours I finally said a very reluctant goodbye! After twelve days two hours didn't seem to be enough, but I know Udex needs to be able to finally rest. I'm so happy he's here, and that he's doing so well. He was so alert, drank a lot of water, peed, pooped and acting like normal! I'm so thankful Udex is my horsey- I love him more then I can express in words. I would be so lost without him. Big, big, big thanks to everyone who helped him to get home to me safely!  (:

All the pictures here are from his arrival!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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