
Montag, 28. Februar 2011

Oh, what a lovely day!

     Today was destined to be great. It was sunny, warm, and skies were blue! I love days like this, because it seems to give you a burst of energy and willingness for the day! I think Udex felt this positive energy too.
View from barn
We had a lovely ride this morning! I am so impressed! Just a week ago, 15 minutes in walk and Udex was soaked in sweat! Today? Lets try a good riding hour, with just a very little bit of sweat on his chest! Wow, talk about impressive!!! It was a fantastic ride. He really is improving drastically! I was expecting this all to move a bit slower, but boy am I shocked!!! We are moving down this path as fast as a race horse!
Udex I taking a moment to forget about posture.
     Another great thing happened today.... Now, usually Udex would roll on the left side, get up, and then roll on the right side. To the un-uneducated spectator, that would more then likely mean no big deal, the way he rolls is just a habit, but actually when a horse does not roll on over to the other side, it almost always means there is a back/muscle problem (as in Udex's case.) Today Udex actually rolled and flipped over to the other side! What does this mean?? It means that all this walking I have been doing with him is really starting to pay off! I am sooooo happy!!! To see him roll like that, wow. I am really at loss of words!!! It just goes to show you, that with time, love, effort, and a bond, ANYTHING is possible. I have a lot of blisters right now from walking in that heavy sand next to my horse... But honestly, I don't care! Blisters are so worth it for Udex!


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