
Samstag, 11. Februar 2012

One Year.

   February 12th, 2011.   At 5 A.m. my family and I woke up. We all piled into the car to begin our 5 hour trip from our small town in Germany, to an even smaller town in The Netherlands to meet an orange horse named Udex. We were all very excited that after searching in every country in Europe for horses, this one, Udex, seemed to be everything we wanted. The entire trip to The Netherlands we were wide awake with suspense and nerves!
  As soon as we pulled up to the small shelter I was immediately nervous!! What if this horse and I didn't get along?? What if I couldn't ride him well... What if, what if, what if... We talked to the owner of the stable as she led us to the stalls! Down at the very end of the row was a big, shy, orange horse. He didn't stick his head out of his stall, he just stood in the corner looking awfully lonely. They took him out of his stall and instantly I realized that 1m74 was A LOT bigger then I had expected! He was huge! I made up my mind right then and there that I didn't want to ride that big horse!! -I was having very bad confidence issues and was very intimidated from his size.- One of the girls helping out at the stable took of his blanket. I was really shocked to see a lot of bones, and thick mangy fur. As soon as that blanket came off I felt clear as day that this horse needed help.. not just anyones help but my help. I felt an instant connection. I only saw him as a horse in need long enough to realize he needed my help.. but after those few minutes I saw him as the most beautiful creature to ever walk this planet. They walked him to the arena and let him run around. I didn't even notice his movement, I was just standing there star-struck at the beauty of this horse called Udex. Something about him.. He wasn't like the other horses I had looked at.. I felt connected with him.
  There was a very kind woman there who came to also buy a horse. She knew Udex from his past and was very surprised to see him there. Since I was a bit nervous to ride him, she rode him a bit first, just so I knew he would be safe. After a few minutes with her riding him, it was my turn!! It felt right sitting on his back. With each step in trot it felt so great. Although I was having very bad confidence issues I didn't feel deathly afraid of Udex. The whole time he was running with his head straight in the air, or like a lama.. but that didn't matter to me. Beneath the mangy fur, ewe neck, and bones there was something inside of this horse that I knew I couldn't be without.
  After riding Udex we agreed that this was the horse. I was fighting back tears. (Still am as I write this!) All my dreams were coming true! This beautiful horse was mine!!! I remember looking at him and whispering to him that I would make him feel better.. He let me hold his head in my arms as I said those words to him.
  After putting him back to his stall we went inside and signed the paper work!!!! Holding his papers/passport in my hands was the best feeling I'd ever felt. My horses passport. The feeling was too unreal.
    That was a year ago. In just two hours it will be February 12th. This year with Udex has been more amazing then I ever could have thought. He's improved so much- he isn't the same horse. He's gained over 80 kilos, a lot more muscle, no more ewe neck, no more sunken in depressed eyes, no more fear of bridle, but most importantly.. He's learned to be a horse and accept my love. It's been a rough, windy road with him but it's leading to the most perfect destination. Every bump in the road has just made us tougher. It's taken about a year but we have a really strong bond. I trust him with my entire life. I can run and he will gallop right by my side.
  I don't know where I would be without this horse. February 12th is the biggest holiday I will ever celebrate. I'm so thankful Udex is my horse.. Everyone thinks we found a broken down horse and fixed him.. but the truth is he fixed us, all of us. I couldn't have been more lucky... Happy One year anniversary to my beautiful Udex... and many more to come. xoxoxox :-* <3
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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