
Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Wyoming, here we come!?

   It's official... Udex and I (and our family of course! are moving to Wyoming!! IN LESS THEN TWO MONTHS! Aaaah!! I'm a bit sad and excited at the same time! I will miss the people of Germany sooo much! Everyone I love is here! My trainers, my friends, horses.. That's the part that's shredding my heart. As for Germany itself?? I won't really miss it. The gloomy, rainy, dull climate? Buh-bye!
 Obviously this means Udex will be taking a plane ride! Wait... what? YES! Horses actually can go on planes! I'm kind of freaked out about that! I'm a bit nervous! Considering he get's a bit nervous when he's away from his herd, I'm curios to see how this is going to go about.. Also I heard that the biggest horses goes in the middle of the three stalls on the plane?? That means Udex will be in the middle between two others!? Uhh.. I don't think that would be a good idea. Maybe I will request they handle him as a stud?? In his head he seems to think that's what he is anyways.
 As for quarantine, that shouldn't be too bad! He's a gelding so that means less time in there as a mare or stallion would have [thank god!] I'm really, really, really worried about the whole not being able to go within so many feet of him. It's my baby.. in a new country?? It hurts a lot that I won't be able to go near him, but maybe I can manage a way to chuck a carrot to him some how.. tiihii. Oh well! I hope he is alright! He's pretty attached to me, and really nervous of people in general! I'm sure there will be many good people taking care of him though, so I can't feel too bad for myself and Udex.
  I do plan on filming/taking pictures of all this!! This is a huge part of our journey!! It will be amazing to fly into the big U S of A with my best friend right with me. This is basically a first for both of us. Although I was born in the USA I have lived here in Europe for over 12 years! I'm excited to start this big chapter of our story! I told Udex tonight about him coming to America! He didn't seem to mind that thought too much.. tiihii!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


big island helicopter tours hat gesagt…

Welcome home! It's where you belong.

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