
Freitag, 16. März 2012


Our new spring Colors!
  Ooooh! It's been so warm and sunny!!!! Germany has really been sneaky about this weather! One day it's cold and bitter, and literally the next day is bright and way warm!! Udex has really been enjoying being outside with all the others. It's great seeing him playing and prancing around. Also- all the walking has been so great for his leg. It isn't really swollen anymore. It actually looks somewhat normal which is a huge relief. He's able to move so freely on it.
  The movers packed all my tack. Everything is on the way to America now- it's crazy. The only things that are with me right now for Udex is a curry comb, a brush, a hoof pick, a sweat blanket, a paddock blanket, a heavier winter blanket, three halters, and three lead ropes, supplements and his feed. OH, and a huge bucket of treats... Haha. It's so odd not having all my things with me. Oh well! Even if it's just a few things it's all that I really need for now!!

  I've added a bunch of recent pictures of Udex, being Udex. (: Enjoy!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success." 


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