
Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Possibly going to America?

  It's been lovely riding with Udex! He's totally comfortable in his new saddle, which is refreshing. He doesn't throw his head at all! He does still go like a lama, but very rarely. I think the lama act is more so out of fear of pain. With every ride he's learning there is no pain so no need to go as lama. Every ride after a bit, he realizes that and stops being Lama-Boy. It's been all rain here in Germany, so unfortunately the horses are cooped up in their boxes. Udex has been hot to the touch- I like! The slightest leg movement and zooom! He's off! He's been giving this huge, floaty trot! That's not even his extension, just his regular working trot. I asked him for an extension and got this amazing result. It was so floaty I could actually sit it smoothly! I could feel the lift it had from the ground. HUGE! My friends eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw that big movement. Sometimes I frustrate myself because Udex is a grand prix horse, but I am no grand prix rider yet. I sometimes wonder that if someone more experienced had a seat on his back what amazing movements I would get from him! Oh well, just means I have to learn it faster!! (-:
 More news! We may be moving to The U S of A soon! Perhaps Wyoming?We're going to move back to the states sooner or later. It's really all just a matter of time. Anyways, there is a slight chance we may be moving before October! Exciting!! That means Mr. Udex would be taking a plane trip! I've read up about it and from what I've heard there is usually three stalls. The tallest horse in the middle and smaller ones to the side. My first thought was "Oh great. My 17.3 hand Udex who has horse-phobia in the middle of two strangers mid air! Aaaah!" Oh boy!! I'm getting excited thinking about this! I'm a bit bummed about the quarentine and not being able to see him until thats done, but other then that I think I'd easily accept the fact Udex is flying.
 Oh well more updates later I guess! Obviously I'd love to stay here as long as I can and train! However it's about time to start our name in America!! (-:
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


Jess is my name and I am Stronger. Healthier. Happier. Inside and Out. hat gesagt…

I am both SUPER EXCITED for you guys and TERRIBLY SAD!!! Dont leave me! :) Whyoming huh? That could be fun! I will miss you guys when you are gone! And good luck with the flight! That sounds like an adventure! ;)

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