
Mittwoch, 30. November 2011

New tack!

  Well at least a week ago it was!! I've been so busy riding lately! That's right.. riding!! My new dark brown grand gilbert passier saddle and my new beautiful dark brown bridle are my new best friends!
  Last thursday I got my new tack. New saddle, new bridle, new girth, new breast-plate, and a new special saddle pad! I guess you could say the pad has imitation muscles in it. There are special slots where you can take the foam/gel inserts in and out to make a certain part a bit thicker, or not as thick. On a horse with no topline it's perfect! Like I said, it acts as the muscle that isn't there. It's a wonderful invention and you can really feel that Udex is much happier with it. He has not thrown his head a once since I've had him in this saddle. I can understand where passiers get their good reviews from! Best saddle I've ever sat in! Makes sitting such a horse like Udex comfortable!! Crazy- I know. Udex also goes totally round now and doesn't hollow out his back. Everything with him is so perfect! Even putting the bridle on! He's feeling a lot more comfy with his new bit and bridle and stands like a normal horse for that. Today while I was grooming him all the other horses were galloping and crow-hoping.
  Udex was getting nervous and pacing wanting to run with them. I was a bit interested to see if as soon as I put the reins and halter over his neck if he would dart off and run, or if he would stand quiet. Of course, he surprised me and calmed down and let me put his bridle on easily! That's how this last week has been. Super good Udex and super good rides!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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