
Sonntag, 8. Januar 2012

Udex is a beast.. and I mean it!

  As the title said, my horse is a real beast. I'm not just saying that because it's funny. Or because he's tall. I think many people refer to their horses as "beasts" or "monsters," but when I'm saying this right now I mean Udex is a full fledged, scary, crazy beast! I'll tell the story of why I'm emphasizing the fact of this.
  The night after I wrote my last article about Udex about Udex's swollen leg, he had an "accident". We were going to move him to a new stall the next morning, so we let him spend one last night in his original box just so we could make sure the new one was totally ready. Bad, bad, bad choice. Let's just say Udex must have heard that'd it wouldn't be the next morning until he was moved. He decided to make a big point that he wanted to be moved sooner. We don't know exactly what time it happened, but it was sometime in the later part of night. Anyways, Udex decided to kick and rear nonstop. While doing this he destroyed everything in his stall. I'm serious when I say everything. Here's a list...

  • Salt lick tray shattered. Bits of it lying everywhere in his stall.
  • Metal food dish unstable, wobbly, hanging off the edge. 
  • Concrete walls missing large chunks in several places.
  • Wooden barriers missing chunks and indented repeatedly with large hoof prints.
  • Metal hay rack dented and kicked in several places.
  • Metal bars bent out of place.
  The stall was a wreck. When the owner of the barn came to me and said "He broke it all.. everything!" I wasn't expecting him to be so serious. Wow. As you can imagine, all of that kicking and bucking had a huge impact on Udex's legs. He already had cellulitis and a slight limp in his back right leg, plus this new kicking. Oh no.
  His entire leg swelled up even bigger, and higher. Now he was swollen from above hoof to below tail!!!! The vet came out again and gave Udex more injections, and me special cream to put on his leg. Something about that cream brings back bad memories for Udex. We're talking he saw that bottle and started trying to run. Every time it got in smelling distance of him he would start kicking out and freaking. We managed to get it on though (thanks to handy twitch!)
  The vet said that there may be a tendon problem now. Too much cellulitis to tell for sure, but there's a big chance that his tendon has something wrong now. For now I have to walk him 20 minutes and then trot 10. Udex has been taken off his feed and only will be eating hay. He has so much energy right now. He will hurt himself if he keeps eating his grain. Every time he comes out his stall he's in passage just wanting to go. As soon as we go to the arena he starts to just want to run. It's hard to control 17.3 hands of total crazy!!!!!!
  Well I'm hoping it's not a tendon problem. In about a week I should know more! I think sometimes the worse problems with horses are the ones they do to themselves.
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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