
Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

Journey to America! PART 2: The airplane ride!!

 This is part TWO of Udex's long journey to the United States of America. If you have not read part 1, then I highly recommend you do so you can have a better idea of what exactly is going on in this entry. I will write both a brief description at the beginning of the entry, and a longer detailed entry so you can choose which version you would like to hear. 

  Part II
In this part of the story, Udex takes a major step in his journey; the airplane ride. He departs from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and lands in Los Angeles, California. This part is also a bit about my journey to America. 

  The longest I'd ever been apart from Udex (prior to this journey) was three days. It felt so strange not having him near me, and even stranger going to the barn. It looked so vacant without Udex. I stared a few minutes at his empty stall- it just wasn't right. Instantly I missed Udex a million times more. I walked to my little tack closet and took the rest of my stuff out. Most of my tack I shipped with the household goods to be sure they would be safe, but I did leave behind a few halters, ropes, and brushes. I knew that it would be my last visit to this barn. I said goodbye to most of the horses and gave the barn one final glance. So many good memories and experiences were made at this barn, how could I just walk away knowing that it was all ending? It wasn't easy, but I did it. The next few days were so boring. I had no horse to go play with, ride, or visit. The only thing I thought about was Udex. How was he doing!? I did have contact with people from Lastrup, but the updates were very brief, such as "he's settled in nicely" or "he's doing good." At that point any update, no matter how brief  it was more then enough for me.
  On April 7th it was my turn to board a flight and head on over to the big ole' U. S. of A.! My flight went wonderful; how could it not be with Lufthansa? Flying above America I realized just how different it was than what I was used to. After ten and a half hours on the airplane my family and I arrived in Denver, Colorado. Like I'd realized on the plane, everything was different. To start off with, the wind and temperature! It was so much warmer than Germany!! I took off my jacket and sweater and really enjoyed the warm cool breeze. It did scare me seeing signs everywhere reading "Tornado Shelter." I'm not really used to Tornadoes. Germany did get funnel clouds, but they were little and never strong enough to touch down, yet alone cause any damage.
   After a while at the airport we boarded our ride to Casper, Wyoming!! Since it was a four and a half hour drive, I got a real good glimpse of the big ole' west. Breathtaking. That's the only word I can use to describe it. The entire way from Denver to Casper was scattered with horses. Every two miles there would be a field of horses. All the horses looked happy, healthy and beautiful. With each horse we passed, the more I missed my own. At the same time I was really excited for his arrival. I knew he'd love it here. How couldn't he, seeing as to how happy those guys grazing were! 
   Soon enough my family and I were settled in. On the morning (WY time) of April 11th we got an email from the people at Lastrup. They said that Udex was on the airplane and that he boarded perfectly! Aaaah!!! While I was reading that email, Udex was in the air! A million thoughts played themselves out in my mind. I was feeling a rush of a million mixed emotions!! This was really happening!!! 
  The next day I got an email saying Udex was there at Quarantine! We then got into contact with his travel agent!! 
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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