
Samstag, 21. April 2012

Scopey Jumper?

  Udex is so happy in America. He's an entire new horse- well to a certain extent anyways. He's still his mean ole' self to the other horses. Unfortunately he's too much of an "a** hole" and too "aggressive" (I quote the owner of the barn, Stephanie)  to put out with the others. I agree with Stephanie, it's not fair for the others to suffer because Udex is a jerk. (Ha-ha) Anyways, every morning either Stephanie or someone helping her puts Udex in the round pen to hang out for a bit. He gets his food in the round pen, a really pretty view, and moving space. In the afternoon someone brings him back in his stall. Hanging in his stall he has his stuffed puppy, and a ball to keep him occupied. He plays with both very often!!
  By the time I come he's ready to play- again. You'd think spending a morning in the round pen would kill his energy, but nope! Not with my crazy Udex! He's as hyper as ever! As soon as he's out of the stall he starts to prance and get really excited!! There are several arenas at the barn he's at. Since the main focus of the barn is hunter-jumper there are a lot of cool jumps! So far I've had him in the big jumping arena twice, the smaller indoor arena once, and the round-pen a lot of times.
  Today was his second time in the big jumping arena. Last time he pranced around like the nut he is, showing the world that he's a right dressage horse. Today he did the same. Prancing, bucking, crow hopping.. and.... Jumping? Wait. What? Udex jumping!? Even though I still have to re-read those words because it seems so unreal- YES! It's true! He Jumped! For those who know Udex, they know he is not a jumper. He's the horse that will refuse and refuse and refuse when you're riding him over a jump, and refuse when you're trying to free-run him over one. I've tried so hard to get him to do it, I finally decided to let it go. I'm happy as a dressage rider and don't ever plan on jumping- the same goes for Udex. However I did often  wonder how his jumping confirmation was!
  This afternoon he was so happy to be playing. We had a really good friend we hadn't seen in a while out- I think Udex was showing off for him!! Our friend, Tyson even rode Udex a bit! Afterwards Udex followed him around like a puppy! It's safe to say Udie has a new best-friend. Anyways, Udex was really fresh and alert! Udex was running around and went up to a jump but as usual- refused it. Then out of nowhere he decided to come around and take the jump!! He cleared it!!! The jump was only about two feet, but Udex over jumped it by about three. I never knew how scopey my horse was!!!! His knees were tucked so tight and high, his neck so stretched- he looked perfect. I know I have a talented dressage horse, but after today I realize I really do have a fine horse! The way he took that jump. WOW!! It was so impressive! Udex!? Is that really you?? I'm not going to force him to jump, I want it to be something that he chooses to do on his own, which is what makes me even more excited that today he showed today that he's not just a fancy dressage boy, but he's also a scopey jumper. My goodness boy! I'm sure that he will jump again sooner or later- I'll try and have the camera on me!! All I can say is wow Udex!! Right when I think he could not be any more better than he already is, he proves me wrong.
  I love you so much Udex! I love you for you! You have such a big personality. You're my best friend- I have no idea where I would be without you. Thank you for being you, and putting up with me (haha!) Big kisses to you Udie.

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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