
Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

A good reminder..

  The most crazy amazing thing happened last night.. A horse was choking! It's a really long story and I would rather not get into it here... But it was an amazingly helpful reminder that you should love like there is no tomorrow. With horses, well anything really, you can loose it in just minutes. One day you have a perfectly healthy horse, the next minute, even hay can become life threatening! Of course, the horse is fine. It's a lovely stable with lovely helping people where you can be sure your horse is safe, even in scary situations. Crazy though. I'm happy with Udex and every time I leave the barn, I always say goodbye like it's my last. I'm lucky to have a sound horse. Even though there are a lot of scary problems that are ahead with him and I, he's alive, we have a bond, and we're both happy... and thats what matters.
  Also I gave Udex a rutabaga!! Guess who totally adores them!? That's right!! Loves it!! The boy cracks me up with his awkward appetite!
                 OSTEOPATH WOMAN COMES NOVEMBER 3rd 5:30

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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