
Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

There's only three things...

 There is only three [discovered] things that seem to scare Udex. They are.

  1. Flying balls
  2. Clear bags and bottles
  3. Tractors
 I find it normal flying balls scare him. I'm a human and scared of them, I can only imagine how a horse must feel about them. No arms to throw in front of their faces! Clear bags and bottles? Well thats a little interesting, but I can understand that too. Stuff that you can see inside something, the way the light reflects.. Understandable. Tractors... Seriously, little green tractors!?! No, I can not find any logical reason as to why tractors scare him. You can start a motorcycle off right in front of his face, you can halt him right by a car and talk to the driver... but tractors a good 50 feet away from him? Now thats a total different story. Udex confuses me greatly.
  I was looking for a spot to tie him up today and about 45 feet away there was a tractor. Of course, it wasn't really a tractor. It was actually a huge horse hungry monster that was headed STRAIGHT towards Udex!! In "how to be a horse school," when something that scary is on the run towards you, you are supposed to take off, totally trampling over your owner who is leading you. Thats exactly what Udex did. All I can say is OWIE!! That hurt! I do feel a bit accomplished that I didn't let 750 kilos of wild, spookish beast get out of my grip. I held on tight to him even as his crow hopping lifted me in the air as well. I didn't know if I should be more mad at the tractors, or my horse, or myself!! Lately Udex has been frustrating me on all ends. If it isn't this, it's that. If it isn't that, then it's this. He's been a nut ball lately! At least today I managed to put his bridle on outside, and not having him in the arena or stall. That was really nerve wrecking for me because I knew that if he managed to run away.. he would be gone. There is no fences in that part of the barn, he could have gone straight down the hill and far, far away. I get nervous just thinking about that!!! I hope he starts to be a bit more submissive during tack up time!!!
  I rode Udex today. No head throwing at all!!! I think thats because he isn't bored. He has so much to do here now. Thats really awesome he has been feeling so great to the point he's almost too hot to handle!! (-: He needs this!!!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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