
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011


  As I last wrote about, I'm not to ride Udex until the osteopath woman comes and has a look at him. It's been equally hard on us both. Udex is being hot, hot, HOT (they were moved to a really small paddock and are in stalls now, so that adds to the heat. More on that in a second..) and he has all the go in the world! Also for me, stress is building up. I'm always all for him though, and I know that riding him wouldn't do any good. at all. Today after I let him play in the arena a bit, I had a friend hold him and had a seat on him for just a few seconds. My friend, mom and I were giggling. As soon as I got on his back he instantly perked up and wanted to go!! He was looking like "why aren't we going!? Come on Mama, it's been so long since we have rode!!" It was really cute!! I only did spend maybe four minutes on his back today, but it was nice to feel that skinny thing underneath me again!! Even though it hasn't even been a week, it feels like years!!!

  The weather has gotten chilly!! I heard it is supposed to drop below freezing tonight- yikes! With weather like that all the barn buddies are coming inside at night! Woo-hoo!! Tonight will be their third night in!!! I love when Udex comes in at night. I get him away from all the others without his nerves acting up. It's nice. He gets cuddly, calm, and easier to work with when he is in his box. Of course, in the day they are out in their new smaller paddock now!! Not really much of a paddock, just concrete with some straw and hay outside, with a bit of grassy area. It's really nice though that they can be outside socializing like that though! Since now they are inside, they get silo and grain!! He gets his norm; half a kilo of power feed. Silo now.. I have no idea what it is, or even translates to in english. It is cow hay. Sour, fermented cow hay. It keeps weight on the horses, gives them lots of energy, fiber, and well surprisingly, they like the stuff. Only downside to it is to pay extra attention for the mould! I thought no way will my picky eater like this stuff! It smells rotten and is so moist! Well, I was wrong. He likes it! Not his favorite food, but sure not his worse either!! I watched him carefully eat a bite of silo, and a bite of normal hay, bite of silo, normal hay, silo, normal hay. It was rather cute in a strange kind of way.

  Also a quick funny story. Yesterday I was hand walking Udex around trying to walk out some of his energy since the arena was full. I kept his rug on him, no point in taking it off. Anyways while walking alongside the barn he accidentally brushed his butt up against the wall. I guess it made an extremely terrifying sound, because next thing you know Udex is a spanish horse doing a high flying levade through the air, lifting me up with him!! In a few seconds I calmed him down. His eyes were huge, and he kept staring at that wall like it was going to grow arms and a mouth and eat him any second! So cute seeing my big boy get scared at something sooo silly!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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