
Donnerstag, 18. August 2011

German summers. Gotta love them.

   When you see advertisements of Germany, you always get the same, beautiful image.

White, cold winters with snow everywhere. Lush, green springs with white flowers scattered in every field. Warm summers with the cattle grazing and the sun shining brightly. 

Let me tell you... wrong. wrong. wrong. WRONG. If you had a picture in your mind anywhere even close to what I just described, please.. remove it, immediately. The truth is...

 Freezing cold icy winters, with little, to no snow. Just icy winds and chilly bones. Rainy springs with left over bitter ice wind from the winter. Occasionally, the rare glimpse of sunshine. Mostly just muddy fields. Summers are dark, cold, rainy and just yucky. A warm day is very, very rare. Even then a warm day is never above 95 degrees. 

pulling him out of his secret hideout.
  So, now that you know how the real German weather is, I can say that today we had a very warm day. The poor horses were being rained on and freezing their butts of this entire summer that they have a somewhat thicker coat then they should have. It's not good for horses to go from freezing cold, to super warm. Everything gets messed up. Today I had to squeeze past horses huddled together under the wooden shed. They were all squeezed super tight in there to keep from the sun and bugs. Poor things. It was even warmer in the shed because all their hot bodies were together. I couldn't leave my poor Udex out there in that!! Also, the cut on his leg was being swamped with flies [again.. ugh] so I had to take care of that. Udex was really happy to be in the cool shade the stable had to offer. I hosed him down with cool water. It was refreshing for both him and me!! Nothing beats the feel of being splashed with cool water on a blistering hot day. Ahh. priceless. I also sponged down his face so that too would stay cool!!! He really, really, really enjoyed being pampered like that.
  After our little "water party" I put cream on his wound and put him in his stall. For him it was a sun free, cool day!! Happily munching on his hay. Tonight I think there should be some light showers. Usually light showers are fine with me, but since he has a nasty open cut I would rather him be inside and dry. Some days with Udex are fun! Today was one of them!! I'm really happy he is my horse. I still can't believe he is my horse!! I also can't believe that the choice to use rollkur was made when training and riding him. It's been hard undoing all the damage rollkur has caused, but everyday it's getting better. I can't beleive how fast his recovery is going!! It is really weird looking at when I first got him just six short months ago and looking at him today. Wow!! He really is a new horse!! I'm so proud to know that I'm (with the help of my parents, friends, and trainers!!) the reason this horse is feeling better. It's a feel like no other.


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