
Sonntag, 28. August 2011

What an awesome ride through the forest!

  We went on an hour and a half trail ride today!! We did it!! I never would have thought I would take Udex away from the barn and go riding, but I did! And am I glad I did it or what! We went with my good friend and one of the school horses, Ernesto.
I disovered Udex is the most well mannered, behaved horse I have ever rode on the trails. He is probably the most challenging to ride out on the trails as well. He had a lot of power with every step he took; thats for sure. You could just feel the eagerness in with every step! He did really good controlling it and with the right amount of leg and rein use, he stayed at the pace I wanted him to be at. Of course when I didn't get that combination perfect; he would speed up. Most of the time the combo was right though; meaning he was too!
  He was so nice and rounded the entire ride. Such a dressage horse, even out of the arena. Everything he does is so elegant and flashy!! Anyways, like I said before he was pretty awesome!! It was really funny because when we got to the top of this one hill, while we were in the field he spent a good five minutes just whinnying!! It wasn't a "WHERE ARE MY FRIENDSSSS" kind of whinny, but more of a "Look at meeee! I'm the king of the world!!" It was so fun to see him so happy and fresh!!
  The only troublesome part was when we passed a paddock of five or so horses! They came galloping up the fence and galloping alongside it as we walked by. Udex seemed rather annoyed. He did a very fast extended walk past that field. He was so nice and rounded, I couldn't help but think he was showing off! What a silly boy!
  Of course we ended the day with him rolling in the arena! He got his dinner and was put away in his comfy stall! I can see a big change with his mood from today! He is acting a lot more happy, his eyes are a bit more perky then usual, and over all he seems a lot more interested in everything!! It's really good to spice things up with horses. We have to keep it interesting for them too!! Well I'm glad he had fun today!!! I'm looking forward for winter now so I can go riding with him and my friends in the snow!!! I'm so glad I decided to give the trails with him a shot!! What a great choice!


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