
Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

More Bareback!

  Unfortunately for me, my tack still hasn't gotten here yet!! It probably won't arrive until the middle of July. Aaah!! I guess I'll have to deal with the fact I'll be riding bareback for yet another month or so! Overall I guess it's not too bad.. I just miss not being able to work my horse in the way he should be worked. He's become really sour over the past few months- and he has good reason to be. In January he bruised his tendon and was off of work until April.. Of course, as soon as he was ready to be started again all my tack had been shipped! Now that he's been here in America he hasn't been worked anything like he should be. It's been five months he's gone without being worked right! In his mind life is all play; no work. He's gotten very testy recently. Of course, that's all to be expected from a horse under his conditions. Nevertheless, it bothers me immensely.
  Another bothersome fact; as soon as I start to work Udex again, he's going to be a turd. I know him well enough to say that if you skip more than a few days time riding him, he gets it into his mind he's on vacation. My heart starts to race imagining how he's going to behave after almost six months off. He starts to get an attitude of "I do what I want. Like it, or not." (This is already starting to show.) This includes head throwing, kicking, and testing you to your max. I suppose it's just him releasing his inner Weltmeyer. Either way- He's no fun to work with when he has that attitude- and he embarrasses me very much so. In other words, I'm not ready for the humiliation that will follow with my saddle and bridle arriving. I keep telling myself that after the storm there will be sunshine. I'll have to cowboy up and take it like a man and try to use his behavior as a learning experience..
  In the meantime I've been trying to enjoy these bareback sessions and not think about what the future holds. It's a really nice feeling to throw all your posture out of the door, relax, and just have fun! Although I still don't feel comfortable doing canter, we've been doing a lot of tackless walk/trot work! I must say; it's the most amazing feeling to hop on your horse with absolutely no connection to his head, only your hand on his mane and legs pressed against his sides. It's the true feeling of freedom. Lucky for me, Udex is trained so well! I can change the hand, turn on the forehand, control the speed of trot, halt him, and even back him up with just my legs! In other words; he's a good boy to ride tackless.. (:
  As much as I wish I already had my tack, I'm very thankful for the chance to be riding Udex bareback. I've discovered my seat, worked on posture and still hands, and so much other little skills that I probably wouldn't have perfected if it wasn't for this opportunity to be riding bareback! Although as soon as my saddle comes I probably won't ever be riding Udee bareback like this again, it's still a great learning experience!(:
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

A Great Day...

   Today I'm so happy with my horsey! We did a pure thirty minutes of bareback trot! I decided to ride him bareback in the round pen. Sicne the round pen is circular, and not super big Udex can't step as largely as he'd like to, or decide to take off. Overall, it doesn't make it any easier.. just a little bit safer. As I don't ride with a helmet and have no support of a saddle I'd like to play it extra safe. (-; I used a halter as a bridle, and two lead ropes as reins.. and no bareback pad. It was true butt-on-back today. (Hah-hah.)
    Although we didn't do canter (I'm not ready for that.. yet) our trot was so succesful. I've finally mastered keeping my hands very quiet while sitting on him without a saddle! Yeah!!! I'm thrilled about that! They aren't perfect yet, but my hands certainly don't flop all over the place, jab him in the face, or look bad! Even with the saddle quiet hands can be a big task.. So the fact that I've managed to also steady my hands while riding bareback makes me a very proud rider!
   On top of my newfound quiet bareback hands, I'm also discovering more and more of my seat. Sitting him bareback is an entire different feeling than what I'm used to. He's very sharp and has big powerful strides. Even with the comfort of a saddle he's not the smoothest ride. Either way, it's not an excuse for not being able to sit him pretty. Anyhow, with every ride,(especially today), my seat gets better.. resulting in my stamina increasing and it taking less effor for an enjoyable ride on my horse. (-: As I said before, today I was able to do around 30 minutes of trot without feeling like I was going to flop off his back or murder his mouth. I think that within five more rides or so I'll be able to start introducing canter to our workout! I just have to learn to sit his extended trot first! Sometimes coming out of canter he decides to get a bit frisky and extend his trot. Normally when I'm riding with a saddle and bridle I can prevent that from happening, or sit it. Like I said before, he's an entire different feeling without a saddle. Once I've got that frisky trot down... Hellooooo canter!
  Another thing I'm proud of... We're working on bareback and bridleless... Kind of. Since Udex and I aren't used to going tackless I left the ropes on his halter, but let them rest on his neck and rode around for 10 minutes without any connection to his head. At times he did want to rush and if he wouldn't respond to my voice, then I'd give a little tug on the rope. I rode a bit without any hands, but majority was holding onto his mane. I'm trying to train him so that a tug on the mane means stop.. Towards the end it got a bit better, but he's still oblivios to what that means. Riding tackless isn't something that can be learned in just a few rides.. it takes a lot of trust, time and effort. Udex and I are nowhere near ready to go %100 tackless anytime soon.. but we are doing our best to learn it! I can't wait for the day that I'll be able to ride my horse with absolutely nothing! I hope we'll get it down sometime this summer!
  Overall today was a super day! I'm so proud of myself for sticking with my goal to ride my horse bareback, and I'm so proud of my horse for being such a star and putting up with me. (-; Everytime I see a picture of him, or see him in person, I can't help but think how lucky I am to have such a beautiful horse.. I dont know what I'd do, or who I'd be without him.
Ik hou van jou, Udex.
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012

Doing Good

  Nothing exciting has happened over the past few weeks. Everything continues to go on at a normal pace. I've still been riding Udex bareback; which is going okay. I must say, I can't wait until my saddle arrives. Bareback is nice... It's just something that's too much work to do with Udex. Don't get me wrong; I love riding without a saddle... But oh how I miss the occasional accomplishing ride where I'm able to sit my horse quiet without bouncing all over the place.

  I don't know if I wrote about Firebolt yet. Firebolt is a beautiful little pony mare. To be honest I'm not sure of the exact term for her color, I guess a brownish roan? Anyways, Udex and Firebolt are a little "thing" around the barn now. Since firebolt has laminits, she won't able to go out with the rest of the herd for at least a few more months. Udex and Firebolt have stalls next to each other, and seem to have gotten along just fine. Stephanie had built Udex a little run outside so he wouldn't have to be stuck in his stall all day.. Well, since Udex seemed to have a little crush on Firebolt, she put Firebolt with Udex in the run. Since then they've become best friends. Udex gets very possesive over his little pony. When I take Udex out of the run firebolt will call out to him, and at all times he has to have his eye on her. It's so adorable to see such a massive horse protecting such a petite little pony.
  In the town that we will be moving to there is a mini Udex. A mini pony with white legs in the back, front right leg white, and front left leg brown. He has a pretty white blaze as well. We have to drive by the mini Udex (We've started calling him Mu, for Mini Udex.) and stare at him. He's very adorable and I might just have to steal him... (; Of course I'd never steal someones horse, but now I do have a new goal in life: To find a mini Udex of my own. Like it or not Udex, you'll have to make friends with the mini you. Either way, Mu is the most adorable pony I've ever seen and I'm awfully jealous of his people.
  Other then that there isn't really anything more to write about. The weather is very warm staying at around 80-90. Today he got hosed down.. and enjoyed it. Other then the heat, Udex has been adapting to this new land very well. It's really dry so I have to apply hoof oil diaily to keep his hooves from cracking more then they have already. It's also very dusty. I can brush Udex for hours and still have dust. This is going to be a warm, dry, dusty Wyoming summer.. (:

This picture is out of place, but I thought I'd
share it anyways. This is Udex having fun playing
with the jumps. He chooses to jump on a regular
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2012

This bareback thing is a lot harder than it looks...

  Oh how I miss my saddle. I want that comfy, soft, leather thing made by the gods on my horses back and underneath of me again. Unfortunately for me, 1) It won't get here until at least another month and a half. and 2) I promised myself I'd conquer my horse bareback over the summer.

  Riding bareback is anything but easy, especially with Udex. He is so bony, has massive withers, and has such powerful steps. I don't feel like I'm going to fall when I ride him without a saddle- it's just that he is so, so, so uncomfortable. Even with a saddle on his back he's not the most smooth ride.. taking away the comfortable feeling of a saddle and sitting directly on Udex's back gives you an unreal feeling- And I don't mean that in a good way. If you don't know what you're doing in trot you will spring right off his bony back. It's easier to do rising trot bareback with him versus sitting trot. His steps naturally give you a little something to help yourself rise while trotting. While that extra "something" works with you during rising trot, it really can manage to work against you during sitting trot! Udex has a funky canter due to rollkur; he moves like like a rocking horse. However, I find his canter really nice to sit compared to his walk and trot. It's so easy to count his stride and find a nice way to sit to the rhythm.
Udex and I cantering.
  A few days ago I rode Udex in one of the outdoor arenas. Apparently wind (especially 35mph wind!) makes the horses hyper and crazy. First I let Udex play to get some energy out. He thought he was a thoroughbred. He ran his little lungs out and elongated his stride! He was like lightning! After about ten minutes of racing with the wind I thought there would be no way he would want to run while I was riding. Since Udex happens to be Udex, I of course was very wrong. The entire way to from his stall to the arena he was prancing. He knew he was going to ride and was just as excited as I was! The first bit of the ride was great- He was walking obediently with his head down. During trot he was rushing and just wanted to go. If he'd have tried to pull that stunt while I was riding him in the saddle I would have easily been able to set him in his place and correct that behavior.. However because of the fact I was bareback, I had to focus more on staying on his back rather than getting him at the perfect pace and in a nice frame. The canter wasn't any better. The first few strides were okay, and then Udex decided to take off. Sitting him at a fast canter isn't hard- I actually find it fun. The hard part is the transition that comes after the canter. I find that extremely difficult to sit without the support from the saddle. As Udex took off I was trying hard to both sit without loosing balance, and to stop him. That's not easy to do- especially when your bareback pad is slipping back taking you with it with every stride. Udex made a sudden stop at one of the fences- by the time he stopped I was sitting on his withers! Once again- if I had my saddle this is something that would have never gotten out of hand.
At least the walk was okay.
 As disappointed as I am to admit it- Mr. Udex got away with his speedy trot and canter. Bareback is so difficult because you not only have to focus on what you'd normally do... but you also have to work harder to stay on your horses back! Well, okay maybe for other people bareback comes a bit more natural, but for me it's something that needs a lot of work! I hope that by the end of summer I'll be able to ride Udex just as good without saddle as I could with! (:

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Really happy!

Udex in his private run.
Happy Udex.
  My dear little Udie-Bear has been so extremely happy in America. Maybe he knows all the bad that's ever happened to him is on an entire different continent- or it's just that he's been treated like royalty here. He's gaining so much weight!! In just a week or twos time I can already see a massive difference. In Europe Udex was such a hard keeper, now I can't even label him as that. As I said before- He's getting treated as if he's royalty. The owner of the barn, Stephanie, made Udex his own little place outside so he can enjoy the good weather too! He's turned out in the morning away from other horses in his little pen, enjoys beautiful scenery, receives his feed and hay and then gets taken in for the night. I couldn't have done better for him myself. I'm so, so, so pleased with the way he's being treated at Platte Ridge.

Udex is smiling too.

The beginning of a leg yield.
   I've decided to pitch the saddle... Well, at least for now anyways. My saddle won't arrive until sometime later this summer. To me, that's just too long to go without riding. The solution is simple! Bareback!! Stephanie was so kind as to lend me her bareback pad and bridle until I can buy one of my own. Now I'm able to ride just as I was before!! I actually prefer riding without a saddle now, it's so much easier. I can feel my horse underneath me so much better than with a saddle, and he can feel me better as well. I decided on a little plan that I hope I pull through with. Udex is still a bit underdeveloped in his topline area, his withers have no real definition. Because of his flat, skinny withers it's almost impossible to fit a saddle correctly to him. I have a special pad that I put under my current saddle, but even then it doesn't fit totally right. One thing I realized while riding bareback was that Udie didn't turn into a giraffe or throw his head like before. While trotting with my happy round horse I thought "Why would I want to put a saddle on him when it will only cause him pain? Riding without a pinching saddle he's coming down with his head very calmly and happily." If I ride him without a saddle until the end of summer then he should have enough definition to his withers to fit a saddle correctly and comfortably. I think if I continued to ride him with a saddle it would do neither of us any good- he'd continue head tossing and never develop the right muscles.
Walking back to the stable.
  After Udex is a bit more defined I will buy a custom fit saddle for him and I. Until then I think it's a lot more fun, easier, and accomplishing riding him without a saddle. I'll even see about taking dressage lessons bareback. I'm so excited to go out and ride! It feels so good being able to have fun with my horse, and not having to stress over his head throwing or llama like behavior. I have a feeling this is going to be a very fun and successful summer for both Udex and I.

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Samstag, 21. April 2012

Scopey Jumper?

  Udex is so happy in America. He's an entire new horse- well to a certain extent anyways. He's still his mean ole' self to the other horses. Unfortunately he's too much of an "a** hole" and too "aggressive" (I quote the owner of the barn, Stephanie)  to put out with the others. I agree with Stephanie, it's not fair for the others to suffer because Udex is a jerk. (Ha-ha) Anyways, every morning either Stephanie or someone helping her puts Udex in the round pen to hang out for a bit. He gets his food in the round pen, a really pretty view, and moving space. In the afternoon someone brings him back in his stall. Hanging in his stall he has his stuffed puppy, and a ball to keep him occupied. He plays with both very often!!
  By the time I come he's ready to play- again. You'd think spending a morning in the round pen would kill his energy, but nope! Not with my crazy Udex! He's as hyper as ever! As soon as he's out of the stall he starts to prance and get really excited!! There are several arenas at the barn he's at. Since the main focus of the barn is hunter-jumper there are a lot of cool jumps! So far I've had him in the big jumping arena twice, the smaller indoor arena once, and the round-pen a lot of times.
  Today was his second time in the big jumping arena. Last time he pranced around like the nut he is, showing the world that he's a right dressage horse. Today he did the same. Prancing, bucking, crow hopping.. and.... Jumping? Wait. What? Udex jumping!? Even though I still have to re-read those words because it seems so unreal- YES! It's true! He Jumped! For those who know Udex, they know he is not a jumper. He's the horse that will refuse and refuse and refuse when you're riding him over a jump, and refuse when you're trying to free-run him over one. I've tried so hard to get him to do it, I finally decided to let it go. I'm happy as a dressage rider and don't ever plan on jumping- the same goes for Udex. However I did often  wonder how his jumping confirmation was!
  This afternoon he was so happy to be playing. We had a really good friend we hadn't seen in a while out- I think Udex was showing off for him!! Our friend, Tyson even rode Udex a bit! Afterwards Udex followed him around like a puppy! It's safe to say Udie has a new best-friend. Anyways, Udex was really fresh and alert! Udex was running around and went up to a jump but as usual- refused it. Then out of nowhere he decided to come around and take the jump!! He cleared it!!! The jump was only about two feet, but Udex over jumped it by about three. I never knew how scopey my horse was!!!! His knees were tucked so tight and high, his neck so stretched- he looked perfect. I know I have a talented dressage horse, but after today I realize I really do have a fine horse! The way he took that jump. WOW!! It was so impressive! Udex!? Is that really you?? I'm not going to force him to jump, I want it to be something that he chooses to do on his own, which is what makes me even more excited that today he showed today that he's not just a fancy dressage boy, but he's also a scopey jumper. My goodness boy! I'm sure that he will jump again sooner or later- I'll try and have the camera on me!! All I can say is wow Udex!! Right when I think he could not be any more better than he already is, he proves me wrong.
  I love you so much Udex! I love you for you! You have such a big personality. You're my best friend- I have no idea where I would be without you. Thank you for being you, and putting up with me (haha!) Big kisses to you Udie.

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

The Journey to America!!!

  Since this entry was a long one, I decided to write it in parts!! I highly recommend starting at part one (there are four parts total!)!! In each part there is a brief description and a detailed entry! Since the entries are a bit long you can just read the brief description for an idea of what happened in that part!

 Udex and I are now in the United States of America!! We love it here and are very happy!!! I'll be writing more about how he's doing!! Today was his second day in Wyoming! He's too aggressive to go out with the other horses (no surprise there) so instead of going out with the rest in the morning, he spends his time in the round pen playing alone! I loved on him today and gave him a good grooming session. He's doing sooo good!

  I've attached links to the parts of which this mini story consists of! Thanks for reading! (: 

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Journey to America! PART 4: Coming home!!

  This is part THREE of Udex's long journey to the United States of America. If you have not read part 1 or 2, then I highly recommend you do so you can have a better idea of what exactly is going on in this entry. I will write both a brief description at the beginning of the entry, and a longer detailed entry so you can choose which version you would like to hear. 


Part Four is when Udex departs Winners Circle Ranch in California and starts the 800+ mile journey to me in Casper Wyoming! After twelve days apart we are finally reunited at Platte Ridge Equestrian Center.

I've missed you so much.
  Udex left California on the weekend! Casper is a far distance from Los Angeles, so once again Udex had a very long trailer ride ahead of him. Brook Ledge Horse Transportation were the ones responsible for bringing Udex home to me safe! They are a really great company who have a huge love for horses- if you are looking for a transportation company for your horse I wouldn't go with anyone but Brook Ledge
  The trip from LA to Casper would take a few days since the drivers would need to rest, and Udex too. Finally on Tuesday we got a call.. Udex was forty-five minutes away!! My stomach filled with butterflies. After twelve days I was finally going to be able to see my baby!! Finally!!!! I was so excited and nervous at the same time. What if Udex was upset with me for leaving him for such a long time? Had he thought I'd abandoned him? What if it wasn't the same and he didn't trust me anymore? Like in the beginning, I had so many questions.

Here he comes!!!
  My heart was racing by the time I arrived at the stable. I put my halters by his stall and then went outside to wait!! It felt like an eternity, but it was only a little over ten minutes.. Finally, I saw the truck. The feeling I got was almost like in the beginning- but this time, it was a happy kind of nervous. It took about ten minutes for the truck to come up to the barn. The kind drivers hopped out and told me how Udex was doing! They said that he was traveling really great! They dropped of some ponies in Colorado, as soon as they left Udex called out for a bit but then settled down after a while. 
  After a bit of chit chat the long awaited moment arrived. The trailer doors opened and there was beautiful 
Standing proud in his new home!

Udex! I couldn't help but cry (even as I write this) because I was so happy to have my Udex back. Choking over my own tears, I finally managed to call out his name. He looked to me and whinnied! Then started pawing; getting very excited to come out!!!! He looked more beautiful than ever with his little head sticking out and his hair blowing in the wind. Tall, confident, and full of pride. Udex nearly ran off the trailer as the man unloaded him! He then gave Udex to me!!! I gave him a big pat and then walked him around the area a bit! He was showing off and prancing- so typical of him!
Nothing says welcome to Wyoming better
than a huge gust of wind!
Someone's been in the trailer
for a while ;D
  After letting him get a bit familiar with his new windy home- I took him to his stall! He looked so happy! He was very playful and cuddly! All my fears of him not remembering me or not trusting me as much as before were quickly forgotten. It was if we'd only been apart a few hours. He walked around his stall for a few minutes and then came over to me wanting to be cuddled!! I took off his halter and rubbed his little face for a while- he loved it. After thirty to forty minutes I went to the tack shop (on the barn) to buy some new brushes and blanket for Udex! The weather is so different here in Wyoming! It's windy and cold! 
  After picking out the right blanket and a few brushes I went back down to Udex! Silly boy had already rolled in his stall and was happily munching at his alfalfa! The barn owner Stephanie and I fed him his new food! He happily ate that too! During all this travel Udex lost a lot of weight.. But this new food will be sure to put it right back on plus some more pounds!
Udex and I
  After two hours I finally said a very reluctant goodbye! After twelve days two hours didn't seem to be enough, but I know Udex needs to be able to finally rest. I'm so happy he's here, and that he's doing so well. He was so alert, drank a lot of water, peed, pooped and acting like normal! I'm so thankful Udex is my horsey- I love him more then I can express in words. I would be so lost without him. Big, big, big thanks to everyone who helped him to get home to me safely!  (:

All the pictures here are from his arrival!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Journey to America! PART 3: Quarantine and Holding Facility!

This is part THREE of Udex's long journey to the United States of America. If you have not read part 1 or 2, then I highly recommend you do so you can have a better idea of what exactly is going on in this entry. I will write both a brief description at the beginning of the entry, and a longer detailed entry so you can choose which version you would like to hear. 

Part three consists of Udex's time in quarantine and at the holding facility. Udex makes a lot of new friends and enjoys his time in California. 

On the way to Winners Circle Ranch!
   Before any horse is allowed entry to the United States, they have to undergo quarantine. Although that's a costly, time consuming procedure- I'm thankful they have it. I wouldn't want an ill horse bringing in a deadly infection that could hurt my horse, or any one else's. Blood testing is a must. I think we all know how great Udex is with shots and blood (I was being sarcastic.) This time around there was only one question in my mind. How on earth was Udex going to behave during the entire blood sample ordeal. I crossed my fingers and kept on hoping he'd be too jet lagged to fight back!
Enjoying the Cali rain!
Leaving the quarantine facility!
 My mom and I got in contact with his travel agent, Lupe! On the first night she gave us such a detailed update!! The best news; they managed to get the blood! Udex was being...well, Udex. He reared a few times but the ceiling was low enough that he hit his ears before his head and didn't get hurt. They then were able to get a twitch on him and take that blood out! Thank goodness!! Lupe has long brown hair and is the same height as me.. Udex took an instant liking to her and was already trusting her. She was able to help comfort him during  his entire time. The next few days Lupe went to comfort Udex and care for him. She even went and bought him his favorite treats- licorice, rutabagas, carrots, apples and cookies!! Every day she gave me several updates on how he was doing- and a lot of pictures and even a few videos!
  Udex was then transported to a "hotel" (horse holding facility!) While he was there his new friend Lupe came to visit and spoil him!! Lupe took such good care of my boy. She went above and beyond for both him and me. I can't thank her enough. Although I haven't met her in person (YET!!!) she will forever hold a very special place in my heart, and Udex's as well I'm sure! She made sure Udex's stay in California was a happy, comfortable one. Udex is such a sensitive horse, he needs to know someone is there for him at all times. Lupe made sure he knew she was there. Like I said before, I can't thank her enough for all she's done for him.
Lupe and  one very happy Udex
  A few short days later, Udex was on the way to Casper, Wyoming!!

The pictures here were taken by wonderful Lupe.

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Journey to America! PART 2: The airplane ride!!

 This is part TWO of Udex's long journey to the United States of America. If you have not read part 1, then I highly recommend you do so you can have a better idea of what exactly is going on in this entry. I will write both a brief description at the beginning of the entry, and a longer detailed entry so you can choose which version you would like to hear. 

  Part II
In this part of the story, Udex takes a major step in his journey; the airplane ride. He departs from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and lands in Los Angeles, California. This part is also a bit about my journey to America. 

  The longest I'd ever been apart from Udex (prior to this journey) was three days. It felt so strange not having him near me, and even stranger going to the barn. It looked so vacant without Udex. I stared a few minutes at his empty stall- it just wasn't right. Instantly I missed Udex a million times more. I walked to my little tack closet and took the rest of my stuff out. Most of my tack I shipped with the household goods to be sure they would be safe, but I did leave behind a few halters, ropes, and brushes. I knew that it would be my last visit to this barn. I said goodbye to most of the horses and gave the barn one final glance. So many good memories and experiences were made at this barn, how could I just walk away knowing that it was all ending? It wasn't easy, but I did it. The next few days were so boring. I had no horse to go play with, ride, or visit. The only thing I thought about was Udex. How was he doing!? I did have contact with people from Lastrup, but the updates were very brief, such as "he's settled in nicely" or "he's doing good." At that point any update, no matter how brief  it was more then enough for me.
  On April 7th it was my turn to board a flight and head on over to the big ole' U. S. of A.! My flight went wonderful; how could it not be with Lufthansa? Flying above America I realized just how different it was than what I was used to. After ten and a half hours on the airplane my family and I arrived in Denver, Colorado. Like I'd realized on the plane, everything was different. To start off with, the wind and temperature! It was so much warmer than Germany!! I took off my jacket and sweater and really enjoyed the warm cool breeze. It did scare me seeing signs everywhere reading "Tornado Shelter." I'm not really used to Tornadoes. Germany did get funnel clouds, but they were little and never strong enough to touch down, yet alone cause any damage.
   After a while at the airport we boarded our ride to Casper, Wyoming!! Since it was a four and a half hour drive, I got a real good glimpse of the big ole' west. Breathtaking. That's the only word I can use to describe it. The entire way from Denver to Casper was scattered with horses. Every two miles there would be a field of horses. All the horses looked happy, healthy and beautiful. With each horse we passed, the more I missed my own. At the same time I was really excited for his arrival. I knew he'd love it here. How couldn't he, seeing as to how happy those guys grazing were! 
   Soon enough my family and I were settled in. On the morning (WY time) of April 11th we got an email from the people at Lastrup. They said that Udex was on the airplane and that he boarded perfectly! Aaaah!!! While I was reading that email, Udex was in the air! A million thoughts played themselves out in my mind. I was feeling a rush of a million mixed emotions!! This was really happening!!! 
  The next day I got an email saying Udex was there at Quarantine! We then got into contact with his travel agent!! 
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Journey to America! PART 1: Traveling to Lastrup, Germany.

Udex in the trailer.
  I must say I'm extremely upset/disappointed with Blogspot. I spent over a weeks worth of time writing a diary-type entry of Udex's traveling experience. When it was finished I was so excited to share!! I went to publish and to my surprise it showed up as a blank. I tried to look for a draft or any other way I could retrieve what I wrote- but unfortunately I could not. This entry won't be anywhere near as good as the original but I'll still try my best to write it as good as before! I'm going to do this in different parts so there won't be too much reading in each entry. In the title I have a general idea of what the part will be about and which part of the story it is. I'll also write a brief entry before so you can choose between reading the shorter less detailed version or the longer detailed version. Enjoy.

Excited to get this show on the road!
Udex begins his long journey to the United States of America. This is the part where we say goodbye for a little while. Udex loads onto Guido Klatte transportation truck to travel to Lastrup, Germany. There he will stay at their facility preparing for his big flight which will take place on the 11th of April. He will be flying into Los Angeles, California. After a few days there he will be on his way to me in Casper, Wyoming.

  The long journey from Europe to America began April 5th for Udex on a chilly Thursday morning. I went to the barn to groom him for the last time in Germany. It was a very sad session. Udex was acting happy and calm. He let me cuddle him and kiss him. I brushed his hair, curried his warm clipped body, and scrubbed his hooves. He was so happy, so unaware of what was to come. Would he think that I had left him? Would he be nervous? How would he react to so many different handlers?? So many questions echoed through my mind. I tried my hardest to not be nervous so he wouldn't be either. I pushed on and continued brushing him and explained to him what would be happening, praying to God that somehow Udex could understand exactly what I meant. My biggest fear was that over a years time of gaining this horses trust would be shattered by this long distance apart.
Walking out of the barn... for the
last time.
  After I had groomed Udex to a presentable state I put him into his stall for the last time. He touched noses with his neighbors; the pony pals. My heart shattered. He thought it was another morning here, but I knew the truth.. It was his last time touching noses with the ponies. I turned away from the sad scene to get Udex his breakfast. It felt so wrong knowing this was the last time I would be feeding him in this country. I watched as he munched down on his grains and supplements. I couldn't help but feel a certain extent of deep sadness. Was this all really ending? For the first time it actually sunk in. We were leaving this continent that had been my home for so many years, and Udex's for his entire life.
  I checked the time- it was almost ten. That meant the truck would be there at any minute to take Udex to a farm in Lastrup, Germany to prepare him for his big journey ahead. My mom, our close friend/photographer Sheri, and I were all sharing this big moment together. Our eyes were glancing from Udex, to the empty road, back to Udex, and then back to the road. The suspense was building. We were all so nervous, excited, happy, and sad; it was a big bowl of mixed emotions. I looked out on the road and then saw the massive red truck approaching. This was it. This was real. We watched with wide eyes as the truck got into position to load Udex on. The nice driver, Christian, came out and said hello! I got such a great feeling from him- I knew at once that Udex would be A-okay. Christian seemed so nice and gentle, and was very tall. I knew he could easily handle Udex! We walked together down to Udex's stall.
Goodbye boys!
Udex taking one final
glance at his old
  Udex being Udex was reluctant to have Christian take him out of the stall. Udex got into attack position! I put Udex's lead rope on instead and reassured Udex it would all be alright. I then handed Udex to christian and watched them walk out of the barn together. At that same moment my heart sunk. Watching my horse walk out with the first of his many handlers to come was bittersweet. My mom, Sheri and I watched as Udex was loaded onto the truck. He did so good, what a brave boy! Maybe Udex had understood when I told him earlier it was his last time here, or maybe he could just sense it, but you could almost just taste the silence as Udex looked back at a place once called home for the last time.

   We all said our final goodbyes to Udex. With teary eyes we watched as the truck doors were closed. I then handed over his papers to Christian. After a few moments of speaking with him, he said his final farewells and promised to take care of my baby. He then hopped into his truck and drove away. Even though it only took a mere 25 seconds until they were out of sight, it felt like two hours watching them go. It's hard being away from someone you love so much, especially when that someone is going to be traveling around the globe! Either way, it had to be done and the outcome would be (and was!) much more rewarding.

Driving away.
***All pictures belong to our amazing friend, and photographer Sheri Vitullo! If you are looking for an equine photographer she is the one to go with. Not only is she talented, but she's an amazing horsewoman as well. Thank you Sheri for the wonderful pictures! Have a look at her wonderful photography website by clicking here!***


"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

The journey to America!

Freitag, 16. März 2012


Our new spring Colors!
  Ooooh! It's been so warm and sunny!!!! Germany has really been sneaky about this weather! One day it's cold and bitter, and literally the next day is bright and way warm!! Udex has really been enjoying being outside with all the others. It's great seeing him playing and prancing around. Also- all the walking has been so great for his leg. It isn't really swollen anymore. It actually looks somewhat normal which is a huge relief. He's able to move so freely on it.
  The movers packed all my tack. Everything is on the way to America now- it's crazy. The only things that are with me right now for Udex is a curry comb, a brush, a hoof pick, a sweat blanket, a paddock blanket, a heavier winter blanket, three halters, and three lead ropes, supplements and his feed. OH, and a huge bucket of treats... Haha. It's so odd not having all my things with me. Oh well! Even if it's just a few things it's all that I really need for now!!

  I've added a bunch of recent pictures of Udex, being Udex. (: Enjoy!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success." 

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