
Montag, 7. November 2011

Homeopathy session tomorrow!

  Aaaaaah! I'm so nervous!!!! Tomorrow Udex gets his first homeopathy session done!!! I know I shouldn't be nervous.. but at the same time I am!! There are so many things to think about!! What if the woman finds something really wrong? What if Udex goes crazy and he or someone else gets hurt? What if there isn't a problem? What if, what if, what if!? So many "what ifs..." too many. In his past he has already had shiatsu and osteopath sessions... so this may possibly be his first of this kind! Knowing his pampered past though, it isn't. I'm hoping he will have one of those days where he totally surprises me and behaves like a little prince!!! I may have just jinxed myself though.!
  So now for some other news! We are trying different bits tomorrow! My lovely trainer was so kind and offered to bring out bits after bits until we find the one that really fits him. I'm so lucky to have such kind people in my life! Heaven knows bits are costly! So hopefully tomorrow we find the right bit-fit for both of our sake!
  Udex has been happy at home. Acts like he never even left the place! It's awesome!!! Something else that is awesome is the fact Johann takes the horses in at night, so I don't have to take Udes in at night and turn him out in the mornings! Yay!
Enjoying his rutabaga.
  Today Udex was nice. I picked his hooves (which have chunks missing, but normal for this season, eh?) and gave him his rutabaga and rugged him! It's gotten so chilly!! He was running around today just trying to stay warm! Bless him! Also something really funny happened! Whenever I turn Udex out after I'm done with him I usually run beside him. Well today we realllly raced. He pinned his ears back and then gave me the evil look! It was the funniest thing that ever happened!!! Actually turned his head towards me, pinned his ears back, and well; just looked evil!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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