
Mittwoch, 9. November 2011

The prognosis;

    So we had our first homeopathy session yesterday, sponsored by my lovely trainer. If you are not too familiar with "homeopathy" it's a natural form of healing. Our homeopathic uses her energy and natural talent, and of course natural medicines stemming from herbs. You may think the whole "energy" thing seems a bit absurd and like it wouldn't work.. However I saw with my own two eyes this energetic magic work. I'm jumping ahead of myself though.
  Yesterday we picked my trainer, and Utta (the homeopathic) up and drove to Udex! It was really interesting driving 45 minutes with them and listening. You can really learn so much that way. When we got to the barn I took Udex in and removed his rug. I held him while Utta pressed certain points and ran her fingers around certain spots. She then got to his hip/hock area, and that's where the trouble kicked in (literally.) Udex instantly started a kicking fit with that leg every time she applied pressure to his trouble spot. He had the same reaction on the other side. The trouble wasn't in his spine, hip, or hoof. It really was in the hocks. Yes; hocks. An old injury that never fully went away. How did this injury occur? Piaffe. Lots and lots of it at such a young age, for such a long time and with hyperflexion. It eventually took its toll on his hocks. The good news? Five to ten sessions and it can be cured!! In just our one hour session last night, already there was a huge improvement with his behavior, stride, and legs. Like I said; magic.
  This wasn't the only thing she found however. His jugular veins were clogged. As you know, with rollkur the horse has over 100 kilos of pressure on their over flexed neck. That causes poor circulation and clogged arteries. Udexs' jugular veins never moved when he chewed, and were constantly in an enlarged state. Utta put her finger in his mouth, had him chew, and couldn't feel the veins move; only clumped, hard, and enlarged. She then put her hands a certain way on his head, used her energy to him, and viola; the two veins unclogged. Just like that the problem was solved. It was magic to see them soften, flow, and shrink. The moment she did that Udex became a total different horse! It was amazing! He totally relaxed and was cuddly, kind, and sweet; a new horse.
  He needs more muscle. The solution to that isn't complex. A new custom fit saddle and a special type of saddle pad will do the trick. The saddle pad has padding you can remove and put back in, almost like substitute muscle. When he gains muscle, I can remove one of the inserts, and vice versa, although I hope we will only be gaining, not loosing. Utta said that riding him before caused pain to every part of him. His back, his neck, his face, his hocks, his knees, his hooves; everything and everywhere. She said how lovely he is for being so kind and always giving his best, even though the amount of pain he was in was crazy. As soon as I get the new well-fitting saddle, I can start riding! Thats the best thing I can do for him now; ride.
  I have an entire new respect for homeopathy and transferring and use of energy like Utta did. I don't think just anyone could do it; you really need to have the natural god given talent Utta has. She is a horsewoman, and really respects the horse. She is truly the best. If you have a major problem with you or your horse, then I recommend her in a heart beat. If you can't have her, then have another homeopathic healer heal you or your equine. If anyone asks me if magic is real, now I can reply "yes. I have seen it with my own two eyes."
  Some more good news! Jacq (my trainer) brought a few of her many bits to try out for Udex! We tried them until we found the perfect bit that he enjoyed!!! We also removed the nose band to his bridle! Turns out you don't really have to ride in it! How cool is that!? It makes it easier for me to put the bridle on him, and it fits him better! Eventually I will put a noseband back on, but for now what's the rush?
  Udex should be sore for the next few days. Thats a normal reaction from a homeopathy healing session. I have arnica beads that he will be taking for the next few days. He gets five a day, put right on his gums. They are so little, yet so affective! You would think five little beads as small as a grain of salt couldn't really work, but it does!! Once again, amazing. Today I spent time with him. I gave him the arnica and then walked him for about thirty minutes. The entire time I walked him I just talked to him. I could really feel that he was listening. It was so nice to feel the strong connection right then and there. After walking him I worked with bridling. (you can read how Udex was with the bridle before by clicking here.) Today I put the bridle on successfully without any fighting or problems five times! FIVE! Can you believe it!? Then I spent an hour with him in the paddock, just kissing and hugging him. He left the herd and came over to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and let me kiss and hug him! He is feeling a lot better with his new bit and some of his pain gone. Utta said that the only reason he is like he was before is from the pain. She said as soon as the pain is gone, Udex will be kind and loving. She said he has a heart of gold, and will be an amazing teacher to me. I already agree with her, he has taught me so much already, and even more to come. He's amazing. I love him so much, and I can't wait for the Udex I spent time with today to become permanent him. He means so much to me. His personality is so special. Udex is the best horse in my books. Not for his movement, not for his training, and not for his looks.. But for his personality. That's the part that of him that I'm in love with.

  Next Wednesday at 9:00 am we have our next homeopathic healing session!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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