
Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

Saddle fitting and homeopathy session!

  Today was great!!! We had Utta come at 9.00-10.00, and the saddle fitter come from 10.00-10.30! It was great!! Udex was really relaxed and calm for the saddler! Okay, I'm jumping ahead of myself though! Let me start off with Utta!! Todays session went great!!! She explained to me in more detail about the effect of piaffe on his hocks! He was used piaffe over and over again; it was his flashiest gait apparently. Anyways, they work with piaffe, piaffe, piaffe, passage, passage, more piaffe, more passage, and even MORE piaffe and passage. That is a lot of strain on a horses legs! It's never ending. To make him even more flashy someone would tap his hocks with a whip to get him to pick the legs up higher. [Explains about his whip phobia!!!!] That caused pain and mental damage. Eventually from all the piaffe the muscles and ligaments get really loose and just hang around. With every piaffe step it causes the hock to push out in an awkward unnatural position. You can imagine how bad that must feel and make riding for the horse. The mental damage that comes with that is just as bad! I can't explain it as well as she can, but I hope I did well enough that you have an idea of what's happening inside him.
  Overall, it was a very successful homeopathy session!! Udex walked out of his stall energetic and anxious. After Utta? Calm, chewing (good sign) and snorting. Amazing to see the transition! He did kick out when she got to his hocks more so out of habit of knowing a painful fear will come. By the time she was done with his right side and was at his left, he didn't kick out! The reasoning? He is learning that her touch makes the pain go away. It's beautiful to see the connection Utta has with horses. Magic hands for sure!!!
  After our session Udex was so quiet and calm! He was on his best behavior for the saddler! We tried several beautiful dressage saddles until we found the one that fit like a glove. "Grand Gilbert deep-seat dressage saddle" It's amazing!! It will also be easy to make adjustments to! As Udex gains more muscles the saddler will make slight changes so it fits him perfectly! We also bought a special wool saddle pad for him, so it feels perfect for him! Tuesday the saddle is officially mine, which means next Wednesday I can ride!!!!! I'm so excited!! It's been waaay to long!!!
  Now for a quick story!! Last night around 6.00 p.m. the horses were chilly, and mischievous! While Johann and I went out to get Udex and Ernesto, all the horses decided to go running, crow hopping, and bucking... breaking down their paddock while doing so. A lot of the fences are totaled right now and need repairs, so the horses are taking a stall break for now! Naughty ponies!! (o;
Be sure to check out Uttas homeopathy website here!!!
Also check out the amazing saddler, Jean-Luc, saddle fitting site here!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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