
Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

I have decided to post at least once every day, or every other day.

  Well, I need to get into the habit of writing. Usually I am turned off by blogs without pictures because they do tend to be rather on the boring side in my opinion. No matter, I will write with or without pictures about Udex!!
  So today! I didn't work him at all, just let him have a day in the paddock with his two best friends. His best friends are the two shetland ponies, Arina and Goldie. It's really cute to see the biggest horse be obsessive over the smallest horses, and vice versa. Arina is the mother of Goldie. Goldie is around two years old now, but she still nurses and think she is just two months. Goldie is a sneaky little thing. She will sneak under the electric fences for more grass, leaving the herd to do so! I love to watch that little pony! When you go the the paddock she will nibble on your toes, fingers, belly, arms, legs... you name it! Arina is a very calm laid back little thing. I don't know how she has such an outgoing little baby with such a mind of her own!
   Anyways, watching Udex, Goldie, and Arina is just adorable. I caught Goldie actually standing underneath his belly using him as shade. Of course, he was fine with it. When he is in a paddock with another horse, he is usually pacing, whinnying, etc. However, with these little guys he goes straight to grazing!! I love the fact he is so humble and accepts the little guys as part of his herd.
   Another thing I thought was cute. Udex saw his reflection for the first time the other day. We pulled up with the van to his paddock, and he stuck his head out and looked into the window! He got a very clear image of himself!! He touched noses to his reflection, and nickered!! We drove down a bit and he trotted over again, with his nose to the van and nickering! It was really cute to see him so excited about the handsome horse in the window. Hee-hee. Eventually he got bored of the "other" horse being silent and went back to grazing with his pony pals.
  Tomorrow Udex and I have a lesson. I'm somewhat excited, but I have a feeling Udex is going to be one sleepy old man. Well, hopefully I have something interesting to write about tomorrow!


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