
Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

A job well done?

  I was just reading a few of my earlier blog posts... I am really, really, really happy I decided to write a blog about this adventure. I remember my mom telling me that these are going to be times I will want to remember, and me thinking "Why would I want to remember my horse as the skinny, rollkur ruined, damaged, scrawny horse??? Why would I even want to write about it!?!" I thought about it more and more. I also thought about why Udex went through rollkur. He wasn't the best horse if Belgium winning everything today, today he isn't even a breeding horse. He went through all that damage for what? Then it hit me.. He went through that all so that I could share his story and help others to realize that rollkur is not the answer. So since the day I realized that I started writing about Udex and his recovery. I know that by writing this blog, I will change at least one persons perspective about rollkur. It is the least I can do to make up for all the pain Udex was put through, and all the damage we have to step over today.
  Anyways, am I glad I started a blog or what!? I am so thankful my mom pushed me into writing and creating this blog. Whenever I feel a little upset with myself, my riding, or my horse, I just go back and read the earlier posts. I can't help but feel really good about everything, knowing how when we first started we were on a bumpy road. I remember people saying "Poor horse, he won't ever be able to properly use his back." or "Hahah! Thats not a horse, thats an ugly cow! You can't keep a cow at a horse stable! Move the cow, it probably has worms and will get the horses sick!" I just stood there with tears in my eyes as many, many, many people cut us down like that. I wasn't crying because I felt bad for myself. No, not at all. I was crying because of the pain my horse was put through, and why he is the way he is today. How dare someone have the nerve to make fun of this amazing horse, laugh at him, put their arms around their horse to "protect" it from my "cow.", or even point and make faces at him.
  Today, these people are a lot different towards me. Now these people look at my horse, with one of the shetland ponies under his tummy using him as shade, and him scratching the others neck. They look at my horse free running in the arena with a trot they only wish their horse could preform. They look at my horse and all his muscles bulging and veins pumping. They look at us, and see our bond. A few of these people have apologized and tried to make up for the nasty things they said to us in the beginning. My "cow" is now the best horse at the stable. Something about my "cow" makes him the special animal he is today. Looking at older blog entries, and looking through pictures that were recently taken... wow. I can only manage the word wow. I am so proud of myself!!! We are proving SO many people wrong! When I first got him I had my trainers ride him. The first thing they said was "you won't ever be able to sit this horse." I became very discouraged, because I too, couldn't sit my horse. Well, let me inform you that today I sit my horses canter without even moving, and sitting trot looks great!! I am thankful for the people who felt it necessary to try to bring us down. Your insults mean more to me then your cheesy compliments do. If it wasn't for you guys and your hate, I probably never would have felt the urge to prove everyone wrong.
  In my church we are very big on acts of service. We try and serve anyone the chance we get!! We serve out of love, with no pay in return. I know that I am serving my horse. In return I am getting the ultimate training experience, an even better seat, opportunities to train with amazing trainers, and sooo much more. I am so proud of where me and Udex are getting to! We are schooling second level movements! It has only been a little over five months! I really love Udex! So once again, I am happy I have this blog to look back on and feel great about what I am doing for my horsey. (:


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