
Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Lessons with Udex are always fun.

   Today Udex was, well; Udex. He stayed last night and all day in the stall, since it has been rainy and stormy. He was very calm while I was grooming him! Then it came time to tack up! I put on his saddle and leg wraps on him without a fuss. I did sense a bit of negative energy though. Of course, he proved me right when it came time ti putting on the bridle. I un-clipped the lead rope from his halter, put the reins over his neck, and slid the halter on his neck when he decided that he wanted to try and walk outside with his pony pals. I tried and tried and tried to get him still enough to the point of putting on the bridle. Of course, no luck there. Fortunately for me the arena was free, so I took him there (with a bit of struggle) so I could have more control over him and if he did manage to escape from me he could only run within the arena, and not out to the road.
   He was being a monster. I let him free run after putting on the bridle. After a few minutes of free running he walked up to me -displaying signs of submission- and then I started to ride. We were awfully warm today so we decided to turn on the sprinklers from the ceiling on! Udex has free ran in them before, but never rode with me. It was really fun. He was a bit nervous when the first few went off; darting to the side and passaging around. Eventually he calmed down and we were happily trotting with the mist coming down. It was so refreshing! After the sprinklers went off he went back to thinking and became extremely hot again. Every stride was basically piaffe and passage steps, just waiting to dart into canter. I decided to be nice and canter out the crazies with him. I took him a few rounds and let him run his heart out, while I was in a two point.
   After the cantering sessions were over my trainer arrived and we began the lesson. I feel like today I found a missing piece with Udex. Our canter was really great; something that the missing piece completed. I feel that our canter circles were even better. Udex was very willing and straight-forward today. I am also proud to say that I can sit his extremely bumpy sitting trot without flying all over the place! Of course, it is not perfect yet, but its very close!
   He was a really good boy today, and I have reason to be proud! Never a dull moment with my horsey! <3


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