
Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

This weather is sooo confusing.

   I love Germany, I really do... But man this weather is complicated! This morning the skies were grey, it was windy, cold, bitter and cloudy, and on top of that, sprinkling off and on. I felt terrible keeping Udex cooped up in his stall yesterday night and today. I decided it best to take of his fly sheet and let him out anyways. A little rain won't kill him.
   Anyways, a few hours later its sunny, warm, blue skies, and no wind. AH!!! I can't stand this weather! As a result I have one lumpy pony! Welts allll over his neck, tummy, side; everywhere. Tomorrow morning I'm putting his protection on so he is safe from the bees and pesky flies.
  I didn't work him today, I let him have an off day. Tomorrow I have a lesson, and Saturday he MUST be worked in the pessoa. Today was good though. Off days are refreshing for both horse and rider.


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