
Dienstag, 1. November 2011


   Udex and I are back home, at The Klippenstein. I couldn't be more proud to say so. I shall save the last barn the humiliation, so I will just be leaving it at this, and making a long story short: If you feel safe leaving your horse in an environment with mould everywhere, even in the hay, undersized paddocks over crowded with horses, attacking each other for water and food, jealous girls, a so called "farmer" who can't tell the difference between a rutabaga and kohlrabi and forgets he is handling horses NOT cows.. Then sure, that stable is okay. Let me shorten the story...
 Because I wrote about saving a horses life, two of the barn witches decided to dramatize my story and go tattle tell to the barn owner. Of course everything they said was a lie and when the owner of the horse I saved read through it she could find nothing but the truth. That was the start of my trouble. A few days later I was physically and verbally assaulted and attacked by the grumpy old grandpa-of-a-barn owner. Unfortunately for him his farmer skills get a F-. He couldn't tell the difference between a rutabaga (which is completely healthy for horses to eat!!) and a kohlrabi (which aren't healthy for them.!) He stole my rutabaga from Udexs' food tray, and then had the nerve to say something along these lines to me
   "YOU! (while physically attacking me.) YOU!!!! YOU!!!! You give your horse this kohlrabi!! You want to kill him so you can say that this stable killed your horse!! I called the vet and he said kohlrabis are bad for horses! YOU!!!"
  Whoa now, chill out grandpa! I could have told you kohlrabis are bad for horses. I also found it funny that while a horse was choking to death at their stable, they couldn't call the vet, but he can find time to call the vet about a so called "kohlrabi" I'm giving my horse? Hmmm.. Speaking of calling the vet, maybe he should ring him up and ask about the effects of mouldy hay for horses? I love the entire idea of this "you murder your horse so we can take the credit" thing.... Hahah!! Grandpa made a fool of himself though going around the barn showing over 40 boarders the "kohlrabi" I was giving my horse. I guess he got his karma really fast!!
  I would never give something unsafe to my horse. If I was and someone told me it could kill my horse, I would listen to them until I had proof it was safe for them. When I'm 100 percent sure something is healthy for my horse, and I've already asked a vet about it, and someone comes and physically attacks me and yells at me for it, that's a different story. It's my horse, I'm allowed to feed him whatever I please. Also, Udex is Mr. I-eat-nothing, so the fact he goes nuts over rutabagas should be enough proof he won't kick the bucket from them.
  We left the barn that day.
  Oh how it feels nice to be back home. Friendly faces, lovely people, sweet horses.. Udex acted as if he was never gone. The best part was when Johann, the owner of the barn looked at us with a smile and said "I saved your stall! I knew you'd be back!! It was only a matter of time!!" There are a lot of bad people out there, but good people like Johann and the others at my barn really make up for that.

NOTE: I have pictures of Udex back at home that I've uploaded here!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


Anonym hat gesagt…

Ha ha ha! :D

Anonym hat gesagt…

Grandpa, lets go walk you and rutabaga down to the mental house.

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