
Montag, 26. Dezember 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

  I've been so busy!!! This is the one month that is constantly keeping me occupied!! Oh my.... First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope you all had a lovely time, wether you got snow, rain, sun or fog. (-:
  Udex and I have been doing so great!! It's been the same routine recently. Riding, playing, lunging, or another fun thing like that. Today I let Udex play and he was bucking and crow hopping! We caught one little session on camera!
  I got the most amazing gifts!! A very close friend, Heather, was so kind and bought me the item of my dreams.. A sony handycam!!! I've wanted one for almost a year now!!! She not only got me a handycam, but one of the nicest ones sony makes!!! It's amazing!! I'm so thankful for such great friends. Also two other families were so kinda as to give my family and I gifts. It amazes me how nice people can be, even with times being hard like now!
  I will write more later! As for now I'm super busy! Once again, hope everyone had a lovely time! Enjoy the video from Udex today! Hee-hee!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

Lovely lesson with Lux Dressage!

  I've been so busy lately with giving lessons and riding! It's so nice to have nice fitting tack and to be able to ride my silly horse again.. Aaah! It's been a liiitle over a week since I've last posted.. and it's really crazy to think just how much has happened in that short period of time!!! First off, Udex has been gaining weight left and right! I swear, every time his blanket comes off he's bigger!!!!! He gets his beet pulp, corn oil, power pellets, and "complete" grain mix twice a day. It's been doing him wonders!!! I'm really happy to see him gaining weight finally! It took forever to find the right, nutritious, tasty, proportional combination for him but we've done it! Anyway, there were a few major things these past nine things that are worth writing about. I'll make a paragraph and maybe a picture or so with each.
  I planned on clipping Udex this year, like always. He's a sport horse that works his muscles to the max with every ride, lunge, free run, arena session... you name it! How fair is it to let him get really sweaty and chilled?? It's not. So that's why we clip horses (well, at least for me.) Half way through a somewhat high-trace style clip, my clippers died. Udex looked like a mauled horse. Chunks of fur clipped here and there, and other places still coated. Ah!!! What could I do though? Nothing. So poor Udex had to look a little ridiculous for a while!!!
  Verena Heinz from Lux Dressage is my new trainer!! I'm so, so, SO excited about this!! Yesterday I had my first lesson with her! She also finished my clip on Udex! She did such a great full clip on him! She left his face and hind legs on. It took almost two hours, yet she was so patient and calm with him!! I'm so thankful she was kind enough to finish the job.. She also managed to fix my clippers as well!! The lesson with her was great!! She has to be one of the best riders I've ever seen. I think everyone knows how still and quiet Edward Gal can sit a horse... I thought it impossible to sit a horse more still. Then I watched videos of Verena and was proved wrong! She sat the horses from the videos I'd seen so beautiful. Not moving at all!! I was really eager to see how her seat would be with bumpy rocking horse Udex!! WOW!!!!! Beautiful!! Not moving at all while Udex cantered and trotted! It was magnificent looking!! My camera died. ): I wanted very badly to take videos! I'd never seen a more elegant rider before!
  Besides having such a graceful seat and being a talented dressage rider, Verena is an extremely kind horse woman; which to me is important. She said riding Udex she could tell he has much fear of the reins and legs (from his rollkur past). She respected that. She didn't force him to do what he wasn't comfortable with. He was throwing his head (from fear) and going like a Lama, but she helped him to gain confidence, and every time he relaxed and went round, she would instantly praise him. By the end of her time riding him, you could see he felt better about going round, and was more calm and trusting. I think it was really good to see a professional rider ride him, and still see that he was afraid. It made me feel better knowing that it wasn't just me not being a good enough rider for him. Most the fear is made up in his head. The pain was once there; yes. However, it's gone now and I'm making sure it never comes back. He just needs to trust me 100% on that. It will take time to have him get used to this new way of life, but I think once he realizes everything is okay, he will be okay.
  It's very probable that I'll be moving Udex to Verenas barn to further progress in training for the both of us. We will be training daily there; which is what we both need if we want to have a future in this sport. I'm really excited about this!! Everything seems really clear when I think about joining their lovely facility! The opportunity to train with such elite riders is so tempting!! I also know that at her stable, there would be other Udex's. Horses that are dressage from tail to nose, flashy movements, similar personality, similar builds... I have a feeling Udex would be extremely happy there..
    I have high hopes for the future at this moment!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Possibly going to America?

  It's been lovely riding with Udex! He's totally comfortable in his new saddle, which is refreshing. He doesn't throw his head at all! He does still go like a lama, but very rarely. I think the lama act is more so out of fear of pain. With every ride he's learning there is no pain so no need to go as lama. Every ride after a bit, he realizes that and stops being Lama-Boy. It's been all rain here in Germany, so unfortunately the horses are cooped up in their boxes. Udex has been hot to the touch- I like! The slightest leg movement and zooom! He's off! He's been giving this huge, floaty trot! That's not even his extension, just his regular working trot. I asked him for an extension and got this amazing result. It was so floaty I could actually sit it smoothly! I could feel the lift it had from the ground. HUGE! My friends eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw that big movement. Sometimes I frustrate myself because Udex is a grand prix horse, but I am no grand prix rider yet. I sometimes wonder that if someone more experienced had a seat on his back what amazing movements I would get from him! Oh well, just means I have to learn it faster!! (-:
 More news! We may be moving to The U S of A soon! Perhaps Wyoming?We're going to move back to the states sooner or later. It's really all just a matter of time. Anyways, there is a slight chance we may be moving before October! Exciting!! That means Mr. Udex would be taking a plane trip! I've read up about it and from what I've heard there is usually three stalls. The tallest horse in the middle and smaller ones to the side. My first thought was "Oh great. My 17.3 hand Udex who has horse-phobia in the middle of two strangers mid air! Aaaah!" Oh boy!! I'm getting excited thinking about this! I'm a bit bummed about the quarentine and not being able to see him until thats done, but other then that I think I'd easily accept the fact Udex is flying.
 Oh well more updates later I guess! Obviously I'd love to stay here as long as I can and train! However it's about time to start our name in America!! (-:
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 30. November 2011

New tack!

  Well at least a week ago it was!! I've been so busy riding lately! That's right.. riding!! My new dark brown grand gilbert passier saddle and my new beautiful dark brown bridle are my new best friends!
  Last thursday I got my new tack. New saddle, new bridle, new girth, new breast-plate, and a new special saddle pad! I guess you could say the pad has imitation muscles in it. There are special slots where you can take the foam/gel inserts in and out to make a certain part a bit thicker, or not as thick. On a horse with no topline it's perfect! Like I said, it acts as the muscle that isn't there. It's a wonderful invention and you can really feel that Udex is much happier with it. He has not thrown his head a once since I've had him in this saddle. I can understand where passiers get their good reviews from! Best saddle I've ever sat in! Makes sitting such a horse like Udex comfortable!! Crazy- I know. Udex also goes totally round now and doesn't hollow out his back. Everything with him is so perfect! Even putting the bridle on! He's feeling a lot more comfy with his new bit and bridle and stands like a normal horse for that. Today while I was grooming him all the other horses were galloping and crow-hoping.
  Udex was getting nervous and pacing wanting to run with them. I was a bit interested to see if as soon as I put the reins and halter over his neck if he would dart off and run, or if he would stand quiet. Of course, he surprised me and calmed down and let me put his bridle on easily! That's how this last week has been. Super good Udex and super good rides!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 23. November 2011

Pain free!

  Tuesday we finished our osteopath sessions!!!!!! Amazing, right!? Just three sessions and then; boom... An entire new pain free Udex. The last session went beautifully! Udex didn't kick out a once!!! He knows the pain is gone, and he no longer has to expect it to come. His calm, happy attitude shows how he's feeling on the inside; happy. You can just walk up to him and kiss him and cuddle on him!! I still can't believe that my crazy Udex has been turned into a big softy! Really, really, realllly spectacular! I've said it before but I have to say it again.. If your horse is in pain PLEASE get osteopath/homeopath sessions done!! If you can use Utta, then I can promise you that you will have a perfect horse by the time she is done with him!!
  As for saddle news.. Not so good. Blah! This whole not having a saddle thing is literally driving me crazy! No saddle = no ride. Dang. Every day I'm not on his back seems like an entire year. It's been ages! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating the two months an eency bit... but it sure does feel like for ever. So back to the saddle news! We will buy the grand gilbert in February! Until February I have to find another saddle to use. Obviously that hasn't been going to smoothly. Do we buy a new saddle for 1,000 euro that won't fit him right? Or do we use a cheaper one that doesn't fit him right? This one or that one, that one or this one? Aaaah!! It's seriously been an extremely stressful process!!!! Maybe tomorrow I will have a new saddle, or maybe not. Fingers crossed for one tomorrow. At this point I don't even care what it looks like!! After all it only has to last me until February!!

  I had a fun day the other day playing with Udex on the street and lunging him!! Thats what all the pictures in this post are from!

STARTING NEXT WEEK: I will be taking weekly measurements of Udexs' size and posting them here!! I'm so excited to start this! Thanks for the wonderful tip Utta!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

Saddle fitting and homeopathy session!

  Today was great!!! We had Utta come at 9.00-10.00, and the saddle fitter come from 10.00-10.30! It was great!! Udex was really relaxed and calm for the saddler! Okay, I'm jumping ahead of myself though! Let me start off with Utta!! Todays session went great!!! She explained to me in more detail about the effect of piaffe on his hocks! He was used piaffe over and over again; it was his flashiest gait apparently. Anyways, they work with piaffe, piaffe, piaffe, passage, passage, more piaffe, more passage, and even MORE piaffe and passage. That is a lot of strain on a horses legs! It's never ending. To make him even more flashy someone would tap his hocks with a whip to get him to pick the legs up higher. [Explains about his whip phobia!!!!] That caused pain and mental damage. Eventually from all the piaffe the muscles and ligaments get really loose and just hang around. With every piaffe step it causes the hock to push out in an awkward unnatural position. You can imagine how bad that must feel and make riding for the horse. The mental damage that comes with that is just as bad! I can't explain it as well as she can, but I hope I did well enough that you have an idea of what's happening inside him.
  Overall, it was a very successful homeopathy session!! Udex walked out of his stall energetic and anxious. After Utta? Calm, chewing (good sign) and snorting. Amazing to see the transition! He did kick out when she got to his hocks more so out of habit of knowing a painful fear will come. By the time she was done with his right side and was at his left, he didn't kick out! The reasoning? He is learning that her touch makes the pain go away. It's beautiful to see the connection Utta has with horses. Magic hands for sure!!!
  After our session Udex was so quiet and calm! He was on his best behavior for the saddler! We tried several beautiful dressage saddles until we found the one that fit like a glove. "Grand Gilbert deep-seat dressage saddle" It's amazing!! It will also be easy to make adjustments to! As Udex gains more muscles the saddler will make slight changes so it fits him perfectly! We also bought a special wool saddle pad for him, so it feels perfect for him! Tuesday the saddle is officially mine, which means next Wednesday I can ride!!!!! I'm so excited!! It's been waaay to long!!!
  Now for a quick story!! Last night around 6.00 p.m. the horses were chilly, and mischievous! While Johann and I went out to get Udex and Ernesto, all the horses decided to go running, crow hopping, and bucking... breaking down their paddock while doing so. A lot of the fences are totaled right now and need repairs, so the horses are taking a stall break for now! Naughty ponies!! (o;
Be sure to check out Uttas homeopathy website here!!!
Also check out the amazing saddler, Jean-Luc, saddle fitting site here!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Freitag, 11. November 2011

The new Udex.

  I have been enjoying my horse more then ever. This is the new him, (well the real him anyways.) This is Udex without the pain. He is a normal, kind horse. Not so much of a beast anymore. I was able to walk a far distance away from the barn, and he didn't winny a once or freak out. He lets me cuddle with him and love on him. It's amazing having such a kind animal. I'm so proud to say he is mine. Although I can't ride him at the moment, I still love him more then ever.
  Speaking of riding, the saddle man comes tuesday! He will size both Udex and I and come up with the perfect saddle! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to start Udex again!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 9. November 2011

The prognosis;

    So we had our first homeopathy session yesterday, sponsored by my lovely trainer. If you are not too familiar with "homeopathy" it's a natural form of healing. Our homeopathic uses her energy and natural talent, and of course natural medicines stemming from herbs. You may think the whole "energy" thing seems a bit absurd and like it wouldn't work.. However I saw with my own two eyes this energetic magic work. I'm jumping ahead of myself though.
  Yesterday we picked my trainer, and Utta (the homeopathic) up and drove to Udex! It was really interesting driving 45 minutes with them and listening. You can really learn so much that way. When we got to the barn I took Udex in and removed his rug. I held him while Utta pressed certain points and ran her fingers around certain spots. She then got to his hip/hock area, and that's where the trouble kicked in (literally.) Udex instantly started a kicking fit with that leg every time she applied pressure to his trouble spot. He had the same reaction on the other side. The trouble wasn't in his spine, hip, or hoof. It really was in the hocks. Yes; hocks. An old injury that never fully went away. How did this injury occur? Piaffe. Lots and lots of it at such a young age, for such a long time and with hyperflexion. It eventually took its toll on his hocks. The good news? Five to ten sessions and it can be cured!! In just our one hour session last night, already there was a huge improvement with his behavior, stride, and legs. Like I said; magic.
  This wasn't the only thing she found however. His jugular veins were clogged. As you know, with rollkur the horse has over 100 kilos of pressure on their over flexed neck. That causes poor circulation and clogged arteries. Udexs' jugular veins never moved when he chewed, and were constantly in an enlarged state. Utta put her finger in his mouth, had him chew, and couldn't feel the veins move; only clumped, hard, and enlarged. She then put her hands a certain way on his head, used her energy to him, and viola; the two veins unclogged. Just like that the problem was solved. It was magic to see them soften, flow, and shrink. The moment she did that Udex became a total different horse! It was amazing! He totally relaxed and was cuddly, kind, and sweet; a new horse.
  He needs more muscle. The solution to that isn't complex. A new custom fit saddle and a special type of saddle pad will do the trick. The saddle pad has padding you can remove and put back in, almost like substitute muscle. When he gains muscle, I can remove one of the inserts, and vice versa, although I hope we will only be gaining, not loosing. Utta said that riding him before caused pain to every part of him. His back, his neck, his face, his hocks, his knees, his hooves; everything and everywhere. She said how lovely he is for being so kind and always giving his best, even though the amount of pain he was in was crazy. As soon as I get the new well-fitting saddle, I can start riding! Thats the best thing I can do for him now; ride.
  I have an entire new respect for homeopathy and transferring and use of energy like Utta did. I don't think just anyone could do it; you really need to have the natural god given talent Utta has. She is a horsewoman, and really respects the horse. She is truly the best. If you have a major problem with you or your horse, then I recommend her in a heart beat. If you can't have her, then have another homeopathic healer heal you or your equine. If anyone asks me if magic is real, now I can reply "yes. I have seen it with my own two eyes."
  Some more good news! Jacq (my trainer) brought a few of her many bits to try out for Udex! We tried them until we found the perfect bit that he enjoyed!!! We also removed the nose band to his bridle! Turns out you don't really have to ride in it! How cool is that!? It makes it easier for me to put the bridle on him, and it fits him better! Eventually I will put a noseband back on, but for now what's the rush?
  Udex should be sore for the next few days. Thats a normal reaction from a homeopathy healing session. I have arnica beads that he will be taking for the next few days. He gets five a day, put right on his gums. They are so little, yet so affective! You would think five little beads as small as a grain of salt couldn't really work, but it does!! Once again, amazing. Today I spent time with him. I gave him the arnica and then walked him for about thirty minutes. The entire time I walked him I just talked to him. I could really feel that he was listening. It was so nice to feel the strong connection right then and there. After walking him I worked with bridling. (you can read how Udex was with the bridle before by clicking here.) Today I put the bridle on successfully without any fighting or problems five times! FIVE! Can you believe it!? Then I spent an hour with him in the paddock, just kissing and hugging him. He left the herd and came over to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and let me kiss and hug him! He is feeling a lot better with his new bit and some of his pain gone. Utta said that the only reason he is like he was before is from the pain. She said as soon as the pain is gone, Udex will be kind and loving. She said he has a heart of gold, and will be an amazing teacher to me. I already agree with her, he has taught me so much already, and even more to come. He's amazing. I love him so much, and I can't wait for the Udex I spent time with today to become permanent him. He means so much to me. His personality is so special. Udex is the best horse in my books. Not for his movement, not for his training, and not for his looks.. But for his personality. That's the part that of him that I'm in love with.

  Next Wednesday at 9:00 am we have our next homeopathic healing session!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Montag, 7. November 2011

Homeopathy session tomorrow!

  Aaaaaah! I'm so nervous!!!! Tomorrow Udex gets his first homeopathy session done!!! I know I shouldn't be nervous.. but at the same time I am!! There are so many things to think about!! What if the woman finds something really wrong? What if Udex goes crazy and he or someone else gets hurt? What if there isn't a problem? What if, what if, what if!? So many "what ifs..." too many. In his past he has already had shiatsu and osteopath sessions... so this may possibly be his first of this kind! Knowing his pampered past though, it isn't. I'm hoping he will have one of those days where he totally surprises me and behaves like a little prince!!! I may have just jinxed myself though.!
  So now for some other news! We are trying different bits tomorrow! My lovely trainer was so kind and offered to bring out bits after bits until we find the one that really fits him. I'm so lucky to have such kind people in my life! Heaven knows bits are costly! So hopefully tomorrow we find the right bit-fit for both of our sake!
  Udex has been happy at home. Acts like he never even left the place! It's awesome!!! Something else that is awesome is the fact Johann takes the horses in at night, so I don't have to take Udes in at night and turn him out in the mornings! Yay!
Enjoying his rutabaga.
  Today Udex was nice. I picked his hooves (which have chunks missing, but normal for this season, eh?) and gave him his rutabaga and rugged him! It's gotten so chilly!! He was running around today just trying to stay warm! Bless him! Also something really funny happened! Whenever I turn Udex out after I'm done with him I usually run beside him. Well today we realllly raced. He pinned his ears back and then gave me the evil look! It was the funniest thing that ever happened!!! Actually turned his head towards me, pinned his ears back, and well; just looked evil!!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Freitag, 4. November 2011

Bridle Sour.

  Have you ever heard of a bridle sour horse? Have you ever seen one? Well I sure have.. and let me tell ya, it isn't fun!!! I admit, a lot of Udex being bridle sour is my fault. When I first got him he wasn't as reluctant to put it on as he is now. Let me describe a typical tacking up session with Udex.
  I always have him tied up. For grooming, he is usually quiet and calm. He does get a little fresh occasionally and will pace around a bit. When he sees the saddle he remains quiet and lets me put it on him without any issues, maybe a few side steps sometimes, but most times as I said before, he's quiet. I unclip his lead rope from his halter and put the reins over his neck, then re-clip the lead rope to his halter. At this point he starts to try to dart to the left or right to avoid this. Then I take the halter and slide it onto his neck. Sometimes he runs away and either A) pulls hard at his neck and halter, B) breaks a lead rope, C) ducks his head at an angle the halter slips off his neck and he runs away, or D) paces side to side and begins to start a struggle. When it comes time to put the bit in his mouth, he gets awfully clever. He raises his head so he becomes a giraffe, making my hand slip off of his face with the bridle. He keeps his head raised until I manage to grab him at the right angle and try it again. I repeat the process and try to open his mouth up (he clamps it shut) and he goes up as a giraffe again and pulls back and runs side to side. Usually at this point he has either accomplished option A, B, or C, and is flinging me around, causing a lot of stress on both of us. There is no other way to put the bridle on him but to take him to the arena and let him run, and try it again. Fifty percent of the time I have luck after he is done running, and the other fifty I don't, causing me to run him more and test my luck again. I know letting him run doesn't help this matter in any way, but some days it is my only hope.
 While riding he is fine with the bit/bridle and doesn't seem to be in any apparent pain from it. My trainer has said he is afraid of my hands and needs a duller bit though. The one I'm using now may be a bit (no pun intended) too sharp for him. Of course his rollkur past doesn't help this any matter.
  Taking the bridle off isn't any better. I think this plays a big deal as to why he is so bridle sour. When I have to take it off he gets extremely nervous and goes up, up, up with his head the exact moment I'm sliding the bit out of his mouth. That causes me to yank hard on the bit while pulling it out, creating a terrible situation for poor Udex. Udexs' head is seven feet in the air, I'm on the grounding pulling at the bit while he is way up high, creating a lot of pressure from the bit on his gums. Maybe you can picture what I mean. Not. Pretty. I have tried getting him to drop the poll, but even when he does that he still yanks his head (and the bridle!) up at that exact moment!!!
  I know that what I'm doing doesn't make my situation any better. The bit may be too sharp, I'm not the most steady handed rider, and I totally fail at putting the bridle on and off. What other options do I have though? I'm not about to hire someone to tack Udex up because of this!! The problem is he only trusts me to handle him, with anyone else he inverts and totally looses it even more due to his trust issues. I'm really giving him my best and all. It's so hard to not become stressed with him when he acts like this though. I know it's not his fault, if anyones to blame it's his rollkur trainers and me!!
 As for a solution? I am not sure. I think I may try several things. First I think I will remove my bit from my bridle and just work on putting the bridle on without the bit. Hopefully he will start to realize the bridle isn't a bad thing, and even if he does pull up when I take it off, he won't pull on his mouth and get bit sores. The problem with this solution is I don't think it's the bridle he fears, more so just the bit and the damage the bit has on him. Once he is all right with the bridle without bit, (maybe this takes a long time, maybe just a few sessions) then I will work on putting the bridle on for a very short time, then taking it off while he is eating grain or something so he keeps his head down. After we get to the point he takes the bit like that, I will think of what to do next.
  Sunday the osteopathic comes and will hopefully fix some of the damage. His problem could also be pain in his poll from so many rollkur years. It's extremely likely that his vertebras are fused together in some places; the pole being one of them. If we can find a way to unfuse that, or lessen the pain perhaps that could remove some damage.
   GUESS WHAT!?! Udex behaves like a normal horse alone now!!!! Crazy right!? He used to freak out when he was alone, and now??? What happened to him!? He's a totally new horse! It's crazy!!! I brought him into his stall the other day and he calmly ate his rutabaga, grain, and hay. Didn't winny a once. The old Udex would run, pace, ignore his grain and hay, and keep on winnying until he went back out or one of his specific friends came in. Today I had him tied up alone and he was very calm and relaxed as well!! While in the arena with no other horses in the barn, he didn't winny!! I love it, and hope he decides to make this little change permanent!!! I remember I thought he would never get out of his crazy alone behavior, but today I stand corrected. He has once again proved me and many others wrong!!! I know he will overcome this hard time with the bridle too, and that in good time I will be looking back on this bridle adventure as something silly.  As for now, I have just got to keep trying and lots of positive reinforcement and look on the bright side! As they do say, after the storm comes sunshine!!!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Dienstag, 1. November 2011

We're home


"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


   Udex and I are back home, at The Klippenstein. I couldn't be more proud to say so. I shall save the last barn the humiliation, so I will just be leaving it at this, and making a long story short: If you feel safe leaving your horse in an environment with mould everywhere, even in the hay, undersized paddocks over crowded with horses, attacking each other for water and food, jealous girls, a so called "farmer" who can't tell the difference between a rutabaga and kohlrabi and forgets he is handling horses NOT cows.. Then sure, that stable is okay. Let me shorten the story...
 Because I wrote about saving a horses life, two of the barn witches decided to dramatize my story and go tattle tell to the barn owner. Of course everything they said was a lie and when the owner of the horse I saved read through it she could find nothing but the truth. That was the start of my trouble. A few days later I was physically and verbally assaulted and attacked by the grumpy old grandpa-of-a-barn owner. Unfortunately for him his farmer skills get a F-. He couldn't tell the difference between a rutabaga (which is completely healthy for horses to eat!!) and a kohlrabi (which aren't healthy for them.!) He stole my rutabaga from Udexs' food tray, and then had the nerve to say something along these lines to me
   "YOU! (while physically attacking me.) YOU!!!! YOU!!!! You give your horse this kohlrabi!! You want to kill him so you can say that this stable killed your horse!! I called the vet and he said kohlrabis are bad for horses! YOU!!!"
  Whoa now, chill out grandpa! I could have told you kohlrabis are bad for horses. I also found it funny that while a horse was choking to death at their stable, they couldn't call the vet, but he can find time to call the vet about a so called "kohlrabi" I'm giving my horse? Hmmm.. Speaking of calling the vet, maybe he should ring him up and ask about the effects of mouldy hay for horses? I love the entire idea of this "you murder your horse so we can take the credit" thing.... Hahah!! Grandpa made a fool of himself though going around the barn showing over 40 boarders the "kohlrabi" I was giving my horse. I guess he got his karma really fast!!
  I would never give something unsafe to my horse. If I was and someone told me it could kill my horse, I would listen to them until I had proof it was safe for them. When I'm 100 percent sure something is healthy for my horse, and I've already asked a vet about it, and someone comes and physically attacks me and yells at me for it, that's a different story. It's my horse, I'm allowed to feed him whatever I please. Also, Udex is Mr. I-eat-nothing, so the fact he goes nuts over rutabagas should be enough proof he won't kick the bucket from them.
  We left the barn that day.
  Oh how it feels nice to be back home. Friendly faces, lovely people, sweet horses.. Udex acted as if he was never gone. The best part was when Johann, the owner of the barn looked at us with a smile and said "I saved your stall! I knew you'd be back!! It was only a matter of time!!" There are a lot of bad people out there, but good people like Johann and the others at my barn really make up for that.

NOTE: I have pictures of Udex back at home that I've uploaded here!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011


  I have really important advice for horse owners, lovers, leasers.. anyone really..! Give your horse rutabagas!!!!!! Seriously; I said rutabagas. My extremely picky eater goes wild over them!! If Udex eats them, I think its safe to say anyone else horse will too! Here in Germany we have the big one pound things! They are super cheap, just 99 cents per pound! Today we picked up about six HUGE rutabagas for only around five bucks.
 Just rinse theme, and plop them in your horses food dish or on the ground. Your equine will take little bites and roll it around with his nose a bit! It's almost like a game for them!!! I can not express how much the horses love them!!
 So if you haven't already experienced the joy of feeding your horse a rutabaga, then it's about time you head out to the store and buy one for your horse!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

A good reminder..

  The most crazy amazing thing happened last night.. A horse was choking! It's a really long story and I would rather not get into it here... But it was an amazingly helpful reminder that you should love like there is no tomorrow. With horses, well anything really, you can loose it in just minutes. One day you have a perfectly healthy horse, the next minute, even hay can become life threatening! Of course, the horse is fine. It's a lovely stable with lovely helping people where you can be sure your horse is safe, even in scary situations. Crazy though. I'm happy with Udex and every time I leave the barn, I always say goodbye like it's my last. I'm lucky to have a sound horse. Even though there are a lot of scary problems that are ahead with him and I, he's alive, we have a bond, and we're both happy... and thats what matters.
  Also I gave Udex a rutabaga!! Guess who totally adores them!? That's right!! Loves it!! The boy cracks me up with his awkward appetite!
                 OSTEOPATH WOMAN COMES NOVEMBER 3rd 5:30

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011


  As I last wrote about, I'm not to ride Udex until the osteopath woman comes and has a look at him. It's been equally hard on us both. Udex is being hot, hot, HOT (they were moved to a really small paddock and are in stalls now, so that adds to the heat. More on that in a second..) and he has all the go in the world! Also for me, stress is building up. I'm always all for him though, and I know that riding him wouldn't do any good. at all. Today after I let him play in the arena a bit, I had a friend hold him and had a seat on him for just a few seconds. My friend, mom and I were giggling. As soon as I got on his back he instantly perked up and wanted to go!! He was looking like "why aren't we going!? Come on Mama, it's been so long since we have rode!!" It was really cute!! I only did spend maybe four minutes on his back today, but it was nice to feel that skinny thing underneath me again!! Even though it hasn't even been a week, it feels like years!!!

  The weather has gotten chilly!! I heard it is supposed to drop below freezing tonight- yikes! With weather like that all the barn buddies are coming inside at night! Woo-hoo!! Tonight will be their third night in!!! I love when Udex comes in at night. I get him away from all the others without his nerves acting up. It's nice. He gets cuddly, calm, and easier to work with when he is in his box. Of course, in the day they are out in their new smaller paddock now!! Not really much of a paddock, just concrete with some straw and hay outside, with a bit of grassy area. It's really nice though that they can be outside socializing like that though! Since now they are inside, they get silo and grain!! He gets his norm; half a kilo of power feed. Silo now.. I have no idea what it is, or even translates to in english. It is cow hay. Sour, fermented cow hay. It keeps weight on the horses, gives them lots of energy, fiber, and well surprisingly, they like the stuff. Only downside to it is to pay extra attention for the mould! I thought no way will my picky eater like this stuff! It smells rotten and is so moist! Well, I was wrong. He likes it! Not his favorite food, but sure not his worse either!! I watched him carefully eat a bite of silo, and a bite of normal hay, bite of silo, normal hay, silo, normal hay. It was rather cute in a strange kind of way.

  Also a quick funny story. Yesterday I was hand walking Udex around trying to walk out some of his energy since the arena was full. I kept his rug on him, no point in taking it off. Anyways while walking alongside the barn he accidentally brushed his butt up against the wall. I guess it made an extremely terrifying sound, because next thing you know Udex is a spanish horse doing a high flying levade through the air, lifting me up with him!! In a few seconds I calmed him down. His eyes were huge, and he kept staring at that wall like it was going to grow arms and a mouth and eat him any second! So cute seeing my big boy get scared at something sooo silly!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011

Used and Abused.

  That's how I think of Udex. He was used, used, used some more, and the whole time abused. To be honest, I don't care who's using hyperflexion on a horse. Wether it be a beginner thinking that's the right way to round a horse, or a top grand prix rider of the sport; abuse is abuse. The ill effects rollkur has had on my horse are unbelievable. Times like yesterday I think is it even fair to let him live on? All this pain he has.. Is it right to try to recover him, or would he be better off free from this painful, challenging world... Then I think that that's only letting the terrible rollkur riders win. That's letting them destroy him. Udex has the drive to fight to be a normal horse again; you can see the fire in his eyes now. I know that he was saved so I could expose the truth about hyperflexion. As you know, he was a horse that was started with it from day one, all the way until it became too much. Not just for minutes at a time, but tens of minutes, possibly even hours. If there was damage to be done by rollkur, you can see it with Udex. He is living proof that rollkur does damage, and not any good.... at all.
 The other day my Dutch trainer came out to have a look. She being such an experienced horsewoman brought to light a lot of problems I was refusing to see the full extent of. Example; the excessive yawning. If you don't know (I didn't up until yesterday) horses usually only yawn once, twice, or maybe even three times if they are tired.. Anything over three times and you should be concerned. There could be a skeletal problem, stress, anxiety, dental problems.. The list goes on. In Udexs' case it is due to a probable skeletal problem and stress due to the pain. As I have said numerous times in my previous posts, Udex has a very bad back due to none other then the "wonderful" hyperflexion. His lumbar spine is locked in place, which causes him to trot in two pieces, much like a rocking horse. Beyond that, it also causes his vertebrae's and ligaments to rub wrong and cause even more pain. Some of his vertebraes' may even be fused together. You could say he has spavin and osteoarthritis in these places. When a horse is ridden so long behind the verticle, eventually those vertebraes do start to form a bone like growth; fusing them together. Also, his nuchal ligaments are very sore and may have damage as well.
 Tying Udex up. Thats another story. Whenever he is tied up he starts to think of what happens next. Horses remember the bad things that happen to them. Unfortunately for Udex he knows that when he was tied up, he was forced to work in a very, very uncomfortable position and worked extremely hard to show off his flashy movements. Every time he is tied, even if I only want to feed him or groom him he starts to pace and go wild. That has been one of the hardest things to work with him at. Having a 17.2 hand horse pacing side to side pulling and breaking lead ropes isn't exactly the easiest thing to work with. When he sees the saddle he starts to become even more tense, stressed, and fearful. He registers the saddle with his back pain. He knows saddle = a lot of pain. The bridle isn't any better. He knows the bit is a sharp, painful tool that will yank him behind the verticle, causing him pain as well.
  My trainer had the perfect description of Udexs' head throwing. When he is behind the bit he is thinking "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..." then he throws it and while doing so thinks "HELP ME!" You can imagine how that goes..."Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh... HELP ME.! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh... HELP ME.!" I did get a chuckle in while watching her reenact that.
 I am not going to ride Udex until the osteopathic comes out and takes a look at him and works on making his pain go away. She will be coming within two weeks! I'm a little nervous about all this. I hope she will be able to find a way to make his pain go away!! I don't want him to life life with pain in every step. Oh well! Positive out looks! For now looks like I will just be working on ground work, respect, and cuddling with Udex!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Not always friends.

  Honestly I would be lying if I said that me and Udex had a perfectly happy relationship all the time.. Because we don't. Some days it goes so great I can hop on him tackless and ride.. and others? Well Udex and I don't seem to be friends on those days. I usually choose to right only about the good things and times I have with him, but as with all horses with bad past experiences, there are just as much bad moments as good. In about a two month time span we go through a few days, to even two weeks where we just don't get along.. at all. Of course we both still love each other, but our connection with each other just isn't as strong as it should be.
  It's been about a week where Udex and I haven't been best friends now. Yesterday he crossed the line, although I'm not innocent either. I should start from the beginning before I get too jumbled up in words!
 Yesterday I rode Udex. He was okay, but not as okay as I would have liked him to be. Lately he has been fighting against the bit big time, running like a lama under saddle, and refusing canter. I think I'm going to pick the crop, if that fails then spurs, back up and try them again before I officially decide he is being a bit stubborn. Usually when you ride with a crop he gets his head in with you and knows that your not playing around and what you are asking for is real. Okay- to get back on track here! After our ride I put Udex's sweat blanket on, cooled him off for a bit then took him back outside to groom him and put his winter rug on. He was okay during grooming, not too much pacing. When I put blankets on Udex, or anything by has back end, he gets a little sensitive by the skin by his back legs. The part by the hip and back legs? The name for it escapes me at the moment. Usually he picks his leg up like he is going to kick be he never does it. Some days he may kick out an eency bit but he is so kind hearted he never actually hits anyone. Yesterday he proved me wrong. I was going to strap the parts on his blanket by his legs and he picked his leg up a bit. I took a little step back and was going to give him a second to put it down. Like predicted, he did. So I went back over to strap it again. He was quiet one second and the next... BOOM! Ouchhh!!! He got me right in the leg above the knee. I have been kicked numerous times by horses.. Just never from such a big, tall, powerful one.
 I don't know what hurt worse.. The pain from the kick, or the pain in my heart from feeling so lost with my horse at this time. Right now I just feel so defeated against him. It feels as if he doesn't love me and I do so much hard work and make so many sacrifices for him, and he in return offers nothing. I know that isn't true, it's just that it sure doesn't feel that way right now. I hope we come out of this stubborn, gloomy time frame soon. I can't stand it! I have no drive at all to do anything with him right now. Something as simple as grooming him takes all my energy away and usually ends up with me sustaining a large amount of bruises, and him getting a not too happy vibe from me.
 On the bright side however I will be buying several new items for him. I am picking up on friday my nice new gel wedge for underneath the saddle. It offers great support for a weak back, protects the back muscles, makes the saddle fit like it should, forms to his shape, and should make him a bit more relaxed. As for me, I hope Udex does feel better from the new pad!! Saturday, maybe even Friday I am looking so forward to giving it a try!! Also, I think I will be supplying Udex with new vitamins. His newfound attitude could be from lack of minerals! I took him off his feed, and starting tomorrow I'm giving it back to him, PLUS more mineral bricks. He will be getting his usual power feed with oil (slowly weaning him back on the oil again.) Am I crazy for giving me already hot horse power feed? That very well could be the case. It's a crazy chance I'm going to take. With his power feed mix he will get the right amount of nutrients, and that could change a bit of his attitude. Besides, I can ride a hot horse, no problem.. It's only the bridling of Udex that gets me!!!! Hee-hee.
 Tomorrow I'm going to try to be strong and do my best to handle the mighty Udex right and not let him get the best of me again!!! I love him so much, and I don't like the feel that neither of us is offering our best. So I'm going to change that tomorrow.. <3
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

There's only three things...

 There is only three [discovered] things that seem to scare Udex. They are.

  1. Flying balls
  2. Clear bags and bottles
  3. Tractors
 I find it normal flying balls scare him. I'm a human and scared of them, I can only imagine how a horse must feel about them. No arms to throw in front of their faces! Clear bags and bottles? Well thats a little interesting, but I can understand that too. Stuff that you can see inside something, the way the light reflects.. Understandable. Tractors... Seriously, little green tractors!?! No, I can not find any logical reason as to why tractors scare him. You can start a motorcycle off right in front of his face, you can halt him right by a car and talk to the driver... but tractors a good 50 feet away from him? Now thats a total different story. Udex confuses me greatly.
  I was looking for a spot to tie him up today and about 45 feet away there was a tractor. Of course, it wasn't really a tractor. It was actually a huge horse hungry monster that was headed STRAIGHT towards Udex!! In "how to be a horse school," when something that scary is on the run towards you, you are supposed to take off, totally trampling over your owner who is leading you. Thats exactly what Udex did. All I can say is OWIE!! That hurt! I do feel a bit accomplished that I didn't let 750 kilos of wild, spookish beast get out of my grip. I held on tight to him even as his crow hopping lifted me in the air as well. I didn't know if I should be more mad at the tractors, or my horse, or myself!! Lately Udex has been frustrating me on all ends. If it isn't this, it's that. If it isn't that, then it's this. He's been a nut ball lately! At least today I managed to put his bridle on outside, and not having him in the arena or stall. That was really nerve wrecking for me because I knew that if he managed to run away.. he would be gone. There is no fences in that part of the barn, he could have gone straight down the hill and far, far away. I get nervous just thinking about that!!! I hope he starts to be a bit more submissive during tack up time!!!
  I rode Udex today. No head throwing at all!!! I think thats because he isn't bored. He has so much to do here now. Thats really awesome he has been feeling so great to the point he's almost too hot to handle!! (-: He needs this!!!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Freitag, 30. September 2011

Bruises and blood.

  Putting the bridle on a horse isn't usually hard... Key word: Usually. As always, the term usually doesn't ever apply to my crazy horse. It took about an hour just to bridle him. An entire hour. Oh man. Some days my horse drives me bonkers!! I had him in his stall so he couldn't run away and he was just too mentally excited. Kicking, running around in circles in his stall, nipping. You name it. Since we have changed barns he hasn't been nervous alone at all, so I know that wasn't the case. Anyway Udex was crazy. Every time I would get the bit in his mouth, he would raise his head up as high as it could go, (easily over six something feet.) Considering the fact I am only 5'1... Yeah, didn't really work too well. During our little "discussion" about bridling, Udex gave me over ten huge bruises, a bloody lip, and stepped on my feet over four times. Not too surprising considering the mood he was in. Obviously after about fourty five minutes of struggling I realized no good was going to come from fighting in his stall. I let him run in the arena a few minutes before I tried again. He was still extremely difficult to bridle but I managed to do it.
  Then I was able to ride. (-: He was hot to the touch while riding. I love it! He has always been a hot horse, but here at our new barn... He's not only physically hot he is also mentally hot as well. I guess thats what the difference is! I'm really happy I have this new hot-in-every-way kind of horse!! He's been a real joy to work with.. Even if he has an off day like today!

"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

New home!? So much better then I could have imagined.

  Well it's official... Udex is nine hundred and twenty percent happier at our new barn. Everything about this place is just perfect. Everything. I mean the people, the arena dirt, the horses, the trainers, the owners, the stalls, the grass... every little thing. Perfect. All of it. Udex is showing he is a lot happier here too. He is an even hotter horse then he already was!!! Don't get me wrong.. Thats an excellent thing!! Since he has more power and is feeling a lot more mentally fresh, his movements have been spectacular..! He has shown the world his true extension. His working and collected trot have so much spring to it. His canter is bigger, better, and more collected. His eyes are perky with happiness. Oh my. I'm starting to think he was depressed at our old stable.. Actually I know he was depressed there. Not severely, but enough that he was never truly happy. Seeing him actually happy at our new place is more then a dream come true to me. 
  Udex has also made friends!! He had been touching noses with them through the fences, and today we decided to let him into the warmblood paddock! Now I feel like we are officially part of this barn. Anyways, the only other chestnut in the herd, Wins A Lot, took an immediate liking to Udex. Touching noses, little ears forward, running side by side. Seems like Udex also likes pretty Wins A Lot!! These two will be good friends, you can already see it!! Also there is a sweet little filly called "Sevin PJ" and she seems to be head over heels for Udex. Crow hopping behind him, nuzzling up to him, and following him around everywhere!! Sadly, Udex doesn't seem to have the same feelings for her!! Anywho, he tolerates her very nicely and just puts his ears back and accepts the fact that she he has another shadow. Knowing my horse, eventually he will be best friends with Sevin. I'm kind of excited to see who he's going to like and who he isn't going to like. What rank will he be in his new herd?? Ah so many exciting questions that will be answered in the near future!!!!
"Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."

Samstag, 24. September 2011

We are now at our new barn!

   We did it! We are officially at our new barn! We were going to wait until february but we my old trainer totally turned against us. We decided that being harassed by my trainer, who obviously doesn't care about my horse, it would be best to leave faster since we absolutely had nothing to benefit at all from at the barn. What my trainer said to us was terrible. She accused us of lying to her, putting myself before my horse, and the kicker... Saying that Udex has huge Intermediare/Grand Prix potential, but I'm not the rider to get him there.. I won't ever get past fourth level. That was the final straw. It really hurts to know that this entire time that was the real her behind her smile. Oh well. There's a better trainer out our new barn anyways.
  This morning I went to go groom Udex at our old barn for the last time. The way he acted was as if he knew that today was his last day at that barn. Very calm, and being so cuddly with all the others. After I groomed Udex I turned him back out while we drove to our new barn to get the trailer!!! We got to the new barn and drove with Klaus (the owners son, who also works at the barn.) with the trailer to pick Udex up!!! I was so excited the entire way!! This day was beautiful! It was warm, sunny, and everything said everything was going to work out great. As soon as we got to the stable we loaded sweet little Udex into the trailer!! He went in very happily and quiet. Like I said, Udex knew it was time to go. Before we knew it, we were at the barn and ready to unload!! Udex stepped out of the trailer with all of the pride in the world!!! Everywhere he could look were beautiful horses grazing. His eyes were lit with a new type of happiness! Right then and there I knew that this was the right choice bringing him here.
  I walked Udex around his new home for around 30 minutes. He was so happy and fresh, both mentally and physically! After getting a bit more familiar with the ranch grounds it was time for him to go to his new paddock! There are a bunch of paddocks at the ranch with lots of horses in them all, mostly categorized by size. The smaller horses (the quarter horses, paints, carriage horses, and smaller warmbloods) are in one paddock, and the taller horses (the hot warmbloods) are in another one as well. Right now Udex is in the middle of these on his own. He needs to get used to the others, and it's safer to have him alone! Udex looooves being alone though! He can see the others, so he knows he isn't the only horse on the planet, but he has his alone room which is very important. He is in the center of his huge mile long paddock happily grazing right now as I type!
  I know this was the right choice!!!! Udex is so happy... I'm so happy.. Everyone is so happy! I'm proud of having the courage to do what's right for my horse and I!! I have a good feeling about this!
Rollkur opponents care for horses. Rollkur proponents care more for success."


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